Multidrug-resistant germs a ticking time bomb

Multidrug-resistant germs a ticking time bomb / Health News

Germany-wide multiresistant pathogens are on the rise


The spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens is a growing problem in Germany. This assessment was also confirmed by the President of the Paul Ehrlich Society for Chemotherapy (PEG), Gert Höffken, at the 23rd Annual Meeting of PEG at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden. According to the experts, the reason for the increased occurrence of multidrug-resistant germs is above all the improper, partly negligent use of antibiotics.

When exposed to low doses of antibiotics, bacteria may not be killed and may subsequently develop resistance. In this way, ordinary bacteria produce multidrug-resistant bacteria that pass on their resistance from generation to generation. These are a ticking in all hospitals „time bomb“, explained PEG President Höffken at the annual meeting in Dresden. As an example, the expert named gut bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) or Klebsiella. The latter were held responsible in the summer at the University of Leipzig for numerous infections and even deaths.

Improper antibiotics as a cause of increasing resistance
The president of the Paul Ehrlich Chemotherapy Society said that between 2007 and 2010, the proportion of multidrug-resistant strains among E. coli bacteria and Klebsielles increased by about 50 percent. The massive use of antibiotics - 816 tonnes per year in human medicine and more than 1,700 tonnes in veterinary medicine - is directly related to the increasing prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacteria. The aim is therefore, „reduce the use of antibiotics.“ The German Society for Hospital Hygiene (DGKH) and the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) have also been pursuing the same goal for some time now and have already submitted proposals for practical implementation. Today, there is a screening or regular recording of multidrug-resistant pathogens in many clinics, for veterinary medicine, the introduction of a prescription is conceivable, said Höffken, President of the largest German-language professional society in the field of infectious diseases with about 850 members.

This year's annual conference of the PEG is organized in cooperation with the Saxon Society for General Medicine and the Saxon Doctors' Association. Here are until Saturday topics, „which are of great practical importance to the resident colleagues, such as antibiotic consumption and resistance, Lyme disease, fever after stay abroad and vaccinations“ the PEG President in his welcoming speech to the Annual Meeting in Dresden. (Fp)

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Image: Sebastian Karkus