Multi-resistant germs on frozen chicken

Multi-resistant germs on frozen chicken / Health News

Frozen chicken loaded with dangerous multidrug-resistant germs


Reporters have discovered multi-drug pathogens in frozen chicken, which can cause dangerous infections in humans. The NDR magazine „Panorama North“ has studied frozen chicken from the supermarket and discovered multidrug resistant staphylococcus bacteria. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are particularly dangerous to humans if they are infected because they are resistant to all common antibiotics, making it much more difficult to treat patients.

According to the surgeon Dr. Burkhard Kursch, the multidrug-resistant pathogens discovered on the frozen chicken can be compared with „Panorama North“ cause life-threatening infections in humans. Although the germs are killed when the meat is heated, the multidrug-resistant pathogens could enter the human body via tiny wounds when they come into contact with the meat, triggering serious illnesses here, the experts warned. The emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria is favored by the production conditions in factory farming, as often relatively carefree antibiotics are used for disease prevention, the statement in the current NDR report.

Multi-resistant pathogens on frozen poultry are not uncommon
The multidrug-resistant pathogens cause a sensation in Germany, especially in clinics, hospitals and nursing homes. Relatively often, patients in Germany become infected with the germs during hospitalization. However, very few people are aware that the multidrug-resistant bacteria can also be found in food. Although the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) had already presented last year the results of a study in which more than 30 percent of the frozen poultry meat examined contained multidrug-resistant bacteria. The NDR magazine „Panorama North“ has now discovered on the frozen chicken from a supermarket also MRSA germs. Frightening is the ease with which the responsible food producer pushes the burden of his frozen chicken in the television report. Although the manufacturer confirmed the MRSA contamination of the poultry at the request of the reporters, this is not a problem when consumed if the meat is cooked properly. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) confirmed this statement, but pointed out that there is also an increased risk of infection from MRSA during preparation.

MRSA can be included in meat preparation
The multidrug-resistant germs can reach the human body through the slightest cuts on their hands and cause serious infections there, said microbiologist Wolfgang Witte „Panorama North“. In addition, the experts are concerned about the growing prevalence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains. Since the pathogens learn about the exchange of genetic information from each other, could in the opinion of the specialist in general medicine, Thomas Fein, a kind „microbiological apocalypse“ in the future would be excluded in the treatment of bacterial infectious diseases with antibiotics in the future. Although, according to the experts, the intake of MRSA germs currently detected on frozen chickens can be avoided, for example, by wearing disposable gloves during preparation, the general spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens threatens to continue to increase as a result of production conditions in factory farming.

Factory farming promotes the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens
The spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens is favored in factory farming mainly by the careless use of antibiotics. Although the use of antibiotics as „performance enhancers“ In the European Union since January 1, 2006 banned, that is, the addition of antibiotics to maximize income is prohibited, according to the allegations of various animal welfare organizations, antibiotics in factory farming is still often issued to the entire stock provisionally. Often, under the guise of therapeutic necessity, not only the sick but also the healthy animals regularly receive antibiotics. Since the bacteria in addition to the animals so constantly come into contact with antibiotics, resistant pathogens develop that can no longer be treated with conventional antibiotics. Due to the dense stocking in the stables, the multidrug-resistant pathogens such as MRSA can then easily skip from animal to animal and end up burdening the entire population, explained the veterinary physician Hermann Focke „Panorama North“.

Experts fear the emergence of new multidrug-resistant pathogens
Since the multidrug-resistant pathogens in humans can cause life-threatening infections, the carefree use of antibiotics in factory farming, according to the experts to evaluate particularly critical. In the past, for example, the partly improper use of antibiotics in human medicine has caused considerable criticism from experts because it favors the emergence of multidrug-resistant pathogens in hospitals and clinics. The German Society for Hospital Hygiene sees the improper use of antibiotics as the main cause of the occurrence of multidrug-resistant bacteria in the clinics. It is hard to understand why experts in the field of human medicine find it hard to accept the spread of multidrug-resistant pathogens in intensive livestock farming. Because they have the concern that the multidrug-resistant germs from mass animal husbandry could somehow be introduced into the hospitals and clinics and arise here by exchanging with the existing so-called hospital germs, new, particularly dangerous pathogens. (Fp)

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Picture: Dr. Karl HERRMANN