Men are sicker than they admit

Men are sicker than they admit / Health News

Men are sicker than they admit. One study indicates that men's health services are inadequate. Men are more likely to displace their complaints than women.

Men in Germany go to the doctor less often and care less about their health. This is also noticeable in the statistics. In contrast to women, men displace their health problems, as confirmed by a study by the Men's Health Foundation and the Society for Men and Health.

Men generally deal with ailments, mental suffering and discomfort. As a study of the Foundation Men's Health noted, far too few men still take advantage of health care. In the opinion of the foundation the medical offers go past the needs of the men. The result: Men rather displace their physical and mental discomfort and seek to seldom competent help from a doctor or therapist. This is the result of the First German Report on Men's Health, a study by the Men's Health Foundation and the Society for Men and Health. The study was presented on Thursday.

But straight men should take care appointments regularly. Because, on average, they suffer from illness more often because of their lifestyle. The often unhealthy lifestyle of men has, according to a DKV study, the consequence that the morbidity rate in men is significantly higher than in women. On average, women pay more attention to their health, exercise more and often eat healthier food. According to some statistics, men have a life expectancy of just under 76 years of age, whereas women are much older and reach an average life expectancy of 80. "Men today have five years less life expectancy than women, but four and a half years of this are determined by socio-cultural factors help men to live healthier lives, "said Federal Family Minister Kristina Schröder (CDU) at the launch of the Men's Health Report. In the next summer of 2011, the Ministry of Family Affairs wants to undertake a state study to shed more light on the problem. (sb, 28.10.2010)

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