Men are more likely to rely on home remedies

Men are more likely to rely on home remedies / Health News

Men rely more on home remedies: Three out of four men are more likely to resort to home remedies, instead of immediately put on medication for complaints.

For mild complaints, men are more likely to use home remedies instead of medicines. This was the result of a poll conducted by the polling institute „Forsa“, on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) women and men surveyed on drug use in Baden-Württemberg. Three out of four men stated that they were more likely to use the home remedy as long as possible before the family doctor prescribed medication for them. The survey was in the context of the topic „Men's Health“ started.

Three out of every four men in Baden-Württemberg are more likely to take home remedies for health problems than to take medicines straight away. This is by far the highest value in the nationwide comparison, the average is 64 percent. From the point of view of the TK-Krankenkasse it is quite praiseworthy not to resort to medicines immediately, but the representatives of the cash office also see dangers in this: „Home remedies are useful, but have their limits in serious illnesses”, said Andreas Vogt, head of the TK-Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg“. The women in Baden-Württemberg are more likely to use natural home remedies. However, the nationwide average is not quite as pronounced here as among men (84 to 80 percent).

What are home remedies?
Home remedies are commonly referred to as alternative and natural measures for self-help with harmless health complaints and their prevention. As a rule, our grandparents, even without medical studies or training, for example, knew the right tea for cold or cough or the right food for diarrhea or nausea.

Nevertheless, drug spending has increased
Although many are taking home remedies, drug spending has continued to rise in the first eight months of this year. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, spending on medicines in the southwestern part of the country has increased enormously since the beginning of the year. The statutory health insurance companies have so far spent 2.21 billion euros for the drug supply. That is an increase of 2.76 percent compared to 2009. This has resulted in an evaluation of the Federal Association of German Pharmacists Associations (ABDA). (sb, 29.10.2010)

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