Men take significantly more cardiovascular medicines than women

Men take significantly more cardiovascular medicines than women / Health News

Men's Health: Almost every second drug is a cardiovascular drug

According to health experts, the risk of heart disease can be greatly reduced by eating well and exercising well. Nevertheless, millions of Germans regularly take cardiovascular medications. Especially men. About every second drug you take is for the pump.

Distinct gender differences

Studies have shown that there are significant gender differences in heart disease. This is also clear in the Health Report of the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) 2018. This shows that men take significantly more cardiovascular drugs than women.

Almost every second drug taken by men is a cardiovascular drug. Women consume significantly less of these medicines. (Image: monropic /

Disease risk number one

As the TK writes in a statement, lifestyle-related illnesses such as hypertension and heart attack for men are the number one disease risk.

The drug volume of cardiovascular drugs has doubled, according to the current TK health report for men of working age from 2000 to 2017.

These drugs now account for almost half of their total drug volume. On average, every working man received 115 daily doses of cardiovascular drugs last year, and "only" 61 women.

Many heart diseases are preventable

"We have been observing this trend for years in our annual health reports," said Wiebke Arps, health expert at TK.

"A large part of heart disease is preventable. The most important factor is a healthy lifestyle. That includes enough exercise, a healthy diet, no nicotine and relaxation, "says Arps.

But that is often easier said than done. According to the TK motion study 2016, people in Germany spend an average of 6.5 hours a day sitting, more than one in five even spend nine hours or more.

And then in the evening after work or sports? This is too exhausting for many. And most people do not have time to prepare well-balanced meals.

In the 2017 TK nutrition study, more than half of respondents said they had no time and peace to eat healthy.

Turn off unusual habits

But how can one overcome the movement muffle and eat a more balanced diet?

"Your own drive is sometimes not enough to turn off unwanted habits," said Arps.

"Having a healthy environment can be instrumental in making sure everyone cares more about their health."

The health insurance company is therefore strong for healthy living environments, "from nutritional projects in the day-care center to professional workplace health management."

In addition, each individual can do something for themselves. The fund supports this with a free online offer, which includes information on nutrition, fitness and relaxation. (Ad)