Men are not overweight

Men are not overweight / Health News

Survey: Men consider themselves slimmer than they really are


Men seem to have a slightly different self-image about their physical condition than women. A representative survey commissioned by the „pharmacy magazine“ has shown that men, despite an existing overweight, for normal weight or even slim. As the survey further showed, women take a differentiated, sometimes more critical attitude to their weight.

In terms of figure and body weight, men are apparently more confident than women. A survey study commissioned by the health magazine „pharmacy magazine“ revealed that men assess their own weight essentially more positively than women who were asked about their weight.

Fat men think they are slim
Only one in four men (28.5 percent) said he valued himself as „overweight“ on. However, body mass index (BMI) calculations indicate that every second male survey respondent was overweight. More than two-thirds of men (64.7 percent) think they are over one „normal weight“ feature. According to the BMI analysis, not even one in two men (47.8 percent) achieved the average normal weight. Every 15th (6.8 percent) man said that he was underweight himself. The subsequent analysis showed, however, that only 1.9 percent of men weigh less than the average normal weight. For the BMI not only the weight, but also the height is included.

Women can assess their weight more realistically
Women, on the other hand, were more realistic overall than men. During the survey, they were able to assess their self-image much better. 40.3 percent said they were overweight. The BMI evaluation showed an almost identical picture: in fact, 43.3 percent of the participants have too many pounds on their hips. 52.5 percent said they were of normal weight. In fact, 52.0 percent of women showed a normal weight.

For the survey, the GfK market research institute in Nuremberg surveyed a total of 2031 persons from the age of 14 years. Among the participants were 1040 women and 991 men of different ages. (Sb)

BMI table

The so-called body mass index is also determined by age. The following table shows which BMI values ​​apply to different age groups:

19-24 years / BMI: 19-24
25-34 years / BMI: 20-25
35-44 years / BMI: 21-26
45-54 years / BMI: 22-27
55-64 years / BMI: 23-28
from age 64 / BMI: 24-29

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Picture: dreimirk30