Men eat twice as much meat as women

Men eat twice as much meat as women / Health News

Germans eat too much meat and too little vegetable


In Germany, men eat almost twice as much meat per week as women do. This emerges from the 12th Nutrition Report of the German Nutrition Society (DGE), which was presented earlier this week in Bonn. Men consume 1092 grams of meat, meat products and sausages per week, whereas women consume just under 600 grams. According to the report, there were also marked differences between the sexes in terms of drinking behavior - especially with lemonade and beer, the consumption of men is many times higher.

Men consume over a kilo of meat a week
Men and women differ considerably in their meat consumption. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) came to this conclusion in its 12th Nutrition Report, which was presented on Tuesday in Bonn. Thus, men averaging over one kilogram (156 grams per day) consume almost twice as much meat, meat products and sausages per week as women with just under 600 grams (84 grams per day). According to the DGE, far too much - as men exceed the company's recommendation of 300 to 600 g per week by a factor of two, women are 600 g at the upper limit of the orientation value.

DGE evaluates data of „National Consumption Study II“ out
For the 12th Nutrition Report, the DGE had the food consumption of nearly 14,000 men and women between 14 and 80 years from the data of the „National Consumption Study II“ (NVS II), which had been collected by the Max Rubner Institute (MRI) between late 2005 and early 2007 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.

Significant differences in drinking behavior
The analysis showed that there are also marked differences in drinking behavior between the sexes: Men drink twice as much lemonade as women and also more fruit juices and nectars, whereby the report shows that young men between the ages of 15 and 24 have the largest drinking volumes here , Even with alcoholic beverages, men are clearly ahead, for example, by drinking six times more beer than women. In order to „Overall, there is a more favorable food selection among women, as more women „fruit“ eat and more calorie-free drinks like „water“ such as „Herbal and fruit tea“ drink“, so the National Consumption Study.

Too much meat, not enough fish
The data from the consumption study would make it clear to the Max Rubner Institute that in general too much meat and too little plant-based foods such as vegetables and fruit would be consumed in this country. In terms of milk and dairy products, according to the DGE, both genders would reach the target value of 200g to 250g per day only two-thirds. The same applies to fish, because „the recommended amounts for fish - 80g to 150g low-fat sea fish and 70g high-fat sea fish per week - are clearly undercut by all.“

Almost a third of those surveyed use supplements
On the other hand, dietary supplements are consumed too much: According to the Max Rubner Institute, 28 percent of respondents use so-called food supplements „supplements“, These are more commonly taken by women than men (60.2% women and 39.8% men) and consumption is highest at the age of 65 to 80 years, according to the result of the consumption study. (No)

Picture: Katharina Wieland Müller