With the wheel children can learn the balance

With the wheel children can learn the balance / Health News
An impeller helps little children to balance
Experts advise parents to promote the sense of balance of the young at an early age. For small children, an impeller is suitable. Thus, the sense of balance can often be better trained than with the tricycle. When they are a little older, other methods help.
Benefits through a good sense of balance
Children with a good sense of balance can not only bounce and climb better, but also benefit at school. According to the study "Snail - Education Needs Health", which was presented last year, a good sense of balance improved children's academic performance. Good reasons to promote this sense early on. Can help an impeller. With this small children can often train their sense of balance better than with the tricycle. In an impeller, the little ones do not have to pedal, but make stepping movements. Just two-year-olds are known for these movements, as they perfect running at this age. This was announced by the Professional Association of Paediatricians in a message from the news agency dpa.

Wheels help children to learn the balance. Image: Irina Schmidt - fotolia

Impeller better than tricycle
For the children, the circular pedaling in a tricycle is unfamiliar. It generally requires increased attention, steering is difficult. It can lead to more accidents because the children drive or fall against obstacles. In addition, the tricycle is not easy in the curve, but is rigid. With rapid steering movements children can fall diagonally forward of the tricycle. This is similar for a bicycle with training wheels. However, care should also be taken with the impeller. The pediatricians advise parents to do a test drive with the child - preferably in a sheltered room such as the courtyard - before they let it play alone with it. The level of development of the child is important, motor skills are different in the little ones. Whether the child is already ready for the wheel, parents recognize whether it is fun.

Do not forget your helmet
In order to avoid head injuries, it is always important to wear a helmet. Such bicycle helmets save lives, as various studies show. Basically, children should not be traveling too fast with the wheel, because that increases the risk of falling. Also not a good idea are downhill paths. Parents should also practice braking with the kids. If a child has balance problems, the tricycle is better for playing than the wheel. If the child is a bit taller, a new trend sport is the obvious choice: When balancing on the so-called slackline, the balance is trained and concentration and coordination skills required. The "training device" is a thin belt or hose band that is attached between two trees. (Ad)