Being overweight increases the risk of cancer

Being overweight increases the risk of cancer / Health News


Obesity not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also some cancers. This is the result of British researchers.

The researchers analyzed the association between the 22 most common tumor entities and an increased body mass index (BMI) in a cohort study. In 17 of 22 tumor entities, associations with the BMI were found.

Strongest link in uterine carcinoma
The researchers were able to observe the greatest effect on uterine carcinoma. With every 5 kg / m2 increase in BMI, the risk increased by 62%. Further linear risk reductions for cancer were found in the gall bladder (31%), kidney (25%), cervix (10%), thyroid (9%) and leukemia (9%), with no effects on rectal tumors , bladder, brain, CNS, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and multiple myeloma.

Many tumors could be avoided
According to the calculations, 41% of uterine carcinomas and at least 10% of malignant tumors in gall bladder, kidney, liver and colon can be attributed to obesity. (Pm)

Picture: dreimirk30