Stay in the shade with babies

Stay in the shade with babies / Health News

Protecting toddlers from the sun


After the long wait, the time has finally come, the summer has arrived. For parents of toddlers, however, now increased caution, because children's skin is sensitive. Ideally you stay in the shade with the baby.

Skin of toddlers thinner than adults
Now, at temperatures well above 30 degrees throughout the country, it is pushing people into the open. The Federal Association of German Dermatologists (BVDD) in Berlin therefore regularly refers to the special requirements for adequate sun protection at the beginning of the summer. In general, the motto applies „Avoid - dress - cream!“, the enumeration also represents a ranking of the priorities. In addition, people should be aware that they are in the sun as soon as they go out, explained Dirk Meyer-Rogge from the BVDD. Take special care with babies, as their skin needs special sunscreen. Monika Niehaus from the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) in Thuringia explains: „It (the skin) is thinner than that of adults, so it also absorbs UV rays faster. "And on: „In addition, the skin of an infant can not yet form as much pigment as in adults to build a self-protection. "

Do not walk between 10am and 4pm
Babies under half a year are best not exposed to the sun at all. If parents want to bring their kids out with the stroller, then they should do this in the morning before 10 clock or afternoon from 16 clock. Even then, a sunscreen on the stroller should not be missing. And in the car can be held with a removable UV protection for the window pane more radiation. „The glass only filters out the aggressive UV-B radiation, "says the doctor." The UV-A radiation, however, passes through the window. Although it is not as harmful as the UV-B radiation, it can also burn the skin. "

Protected by clothing and sunscreen
The best sunscreen offers light clothing that covers arms and legs. With a sun hat, ideally with brim and neck guard, the most exposed areas can be covered: the face, the ears and the neck. For babies over six months, parents can also use sunscreen. For adults, when choosing a sunscreen, it is important to be aware of their own skin type. In the case of adults, it does not play such an important role in children, since a higher sun protection factor is recommended anyway. In principle, however, the previous measures must not be left out. Shades and clothing made of UV-resistant fabric continue to be the best sunscreen. „Coat the sensitive, low-pigment baby and baby skin with UV-A / UV-B UV-resistant sunscreen before leaving - with a sun protection factor greater than 20, "recommends the doctor. „Do not use creams or lotions that contain alcohol or perfume as they will dry out the skin too much. "In addition, the agent must be re-applied every two hours, or even if the baby has sweated heavily, as well as after bathing and drying. ( ad)

Picture: Helene Souza