With endurance and strength training for type 2 diabetes

With endurance and strength training for type 2 diabetes / Health News

Sports in type 2 diabetes: with endurance and strength training against diabetes

According to health experts, around 7.6 million Germans are diabetic. The majority of them suffer from type 2 diabetes. In order to keep the disease at bay, it is important to adjust one's lifestyle and exercise. In addition to endurance, strength training is also recommended.

Diabetes often controlled without medication

According to recent surveys, 9.2 percent of the population in Germany was diabetic in the past year. More than 90 percent of the affected 7.6 million citizens suffered from type 2 diabetes. In a large proportion of these patients, the disease can be well controlled even without medication. It is important to adjust your lifestyle, to eat a balanced diet, to lose weight if you are overweight and above all to exercise regularly.

People with type 2 diabetes are advised to eat healthily and exercise regularly. In addition to endurance, strength training is also important. (Image: contrastwerkstatt / fotolia.com)

Healthy diet and regular exercise

"Diabetes mellitus has become a widespread disease, in which the affected not only eat healthily, but should also move as regularly as possible," said Klaus Möhlendick, sports scientist at the health insurance Barmer, in a statement.

"Strengthening your condition here is considered obsolete today. In the optimal case, one drives not only endurance but also weight training ", says the expert.

However, you should first seek medical advice to find the right measure.

At least 150 minutes of endurance sports per week

According to reports, sport not only acutely lowers blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, but also improves the insulin sensitivity of the cells.

Because this effect wears off after 48 hours, regular exercise is so important.

"The best thing to do in diabetes mellitus per week is at least 150 minutes of endurance sports and spread over three to five days. Weight training is part of the program every three days and should include all major muscle groups, "said Möhlendick.

According to the experts, regular and moderate endurance training is better than exhaustion.

Remove belly fat and lower blood sugar

Both strength and endurance sports have positive effects in people with type 2 diabetes. According to Möhlendick, weight loss reduces abdominal fat and can reduce long-term blood sugar levels by up to 0.5 percent.

Endurance training reduces blood sugar even more, by as much as 0.7 percent. According to the information, this corresponds approximately to the effect of a drug therapy.

"Anyone who does exercise should definitely discuss with the doctor how the insulin intake is to be adjusted gradually," says Möhlendick. (Ad)