Do not use mineral water from Dachsberg source for baby food

Do not use mineral water from Dachsberg source for baby food / Health News
Food Warning: Deviation in the chlorate content of mineral water
Certain bottlings of natural mineral water from the Dachsberg source should not be used to prepare baby food. There had been quality deviations with regard to the chlorate content.

Quality deviations with regard to the chlorate content
On the portal "" of the federal states and the Federal Office for consumer protection is currently warned of a mineral water from Bavaria. According to a press release of the Three Rivers Drinking and Logistics Center GmbH in Hutthurm (district of Passau) "it has come to" quality deviations with regard to the chlorate content in individual bottlings of natural mineral water from the Dachsberg source in Hutthurm with a best before date 22.12.2018 ".

Occasional bottling of natural mineral water from the Dachsberg spring in Bavaria has resulted in quality deviations with regard to the chlorate content. The waters should not be used for baby food. (Image: v.poth /

Do not use to prepare baby food
"These waters should not be used as a precautionary measure for the preparation of baby food," it continues.

Long-term exposure to chlorates in food, especially in drinking water, is potentially of concern to children's health, especially those with mild or moderate iodine deficiency, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

However, according to the experts, it is unlikely that the total intake of a single day, even in the highest estimated intakes, will exceed the recommended level of safety for consumers of all ages. (Ad)