Mineral therapy with Schüßler salts

Mineral therapy with Schüßler salts / Health News

Mineral therapy with the Schüßler salts

The mineral therapy with the Schüßler salts is already more than 100 years old and she was guided by her development. Schüßler on state-of-the-art medical research. With the advent of antibiotics, equipment and finally evidence-based medicine, the functional agents gradually took their place in natural medicine, which they occupy firmly until today. The demand for natural therapies that are individually tailored to people is steadily increasing in view of the growing resistance to antibiotics and the side effects of other conventional medicines in the population. Above all, for the treatment and self-treatment of minor ailments, such as colds, muscle cramps, skin problems, but also for prophylaxis are clear and low-risk therapies such as biochemistry. Schüßler, gladly accepted.


  • Mineral therapy with the Schüßler salts
  • Dr. Schüßler: Research between homeopathy and cellular pathology
  • Twelve mineral compounds to cure all malfunctions
  • The cell receives the impulse to fill up the mineral depot
  • The agony of choice: Which means in which form?

Dr. Schüßler: Research between homeopathy and cellular pathology

The "Schüßler salts" bear their name after the German physician Dr. med. med. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821 - 1898), who was initially very interested in homeopathy, but his research soon focused on inorganic (i.e., carbon-free) mineral salts and their importance in the human organism, especially in the metabolism of cells. He followed the principle of the well-known cell pathologist Virchow, according to which the disease of the body is to be equated with the disease of the cell as well as the assumption that disease would only result from the loss of inorganic mineral salts.

Mineral therapy with Schüssler salts. (Image: semevent-fotolia)

Twelve mineral compounds to cure all malfunctions

Schüßler's research showed that a total of twelve "inputs" (mineral salts) were necessary for healthy cell operation, whose disturbed distribution and utilization in the body led to diseases. Conversely, Schüßler formed his guiding principle that "The inorganic substances present in the blood and in the tissues [...] are sufficient for the cure of all diseases that are even curable." ("Mineral Therapy by Dr. Schuessler", German Homeopathy Union, 2004 Edition). The selection comprises three calcium, potassium and sodium compounds as well as one iron, one magnesium and one silicon compound, which Schüßler processed into biochemical functional agents.

The cell receives the impulse to fill up the mineral depot

To avoid unwanted side effects, minerals are potentiated, i. administered as homeopathic dilutions. The utilization blockades are to be lifted by giving the cells the information for increased absorption and thus initiating the (self-) healing of the organism. So it's not about the mineral salts themselves fed, but given the impulse for better recovery. Due to the potentiation and the clear number of medicines (in contrast to the vast arsenal) of homeopathy described Schüßler his method initially as "abbreviated homeopathic therapy", but later limited it as a "biochemical therapy" sharply from it.

The agony of choice: Which means in which form?

In self-treatment, the choice of functional agents is usually made in registers published in books, in which the appropriate minerals are assigned to certain complaints. In naturopathic practice, alternative practitioners determine the salts according to their physiological function in the organism, but also with the help of glaucoma diagnosis, kinesiology, tensor testing and other bioenergetic measuring methods.

The functional agents developed by Schüßler have been extended by twelve additional mineral salts to date. In the meantime, apart from the tablet form, they are also available individually as drops, globules and for external use as creams, gels and ointments, where they are supposed to fulfill not only medical but also cosmetic tasks. Some pharmacies mix the individually required salts into a powder, which can considerably facilitate the intake. For the curative stimulation of the metabolism, e.g. As part of a spring cure, there is also a complex preparation containing the twelve "original" Schüßler salts. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)