Milk skin can be prevented by constant stirring
Even with many people who actually like to drink milk, the thought of milk skin bothers the hair. The sticky layer that is created by heat, but can be easily avoided by the milk is stirred constantly.
Milk skin is caused by heat
Even with some people who actually like to consume milk, milk skin triggers pure horror. The sticky layer on the liquid is created by heat. If the milk is on the stove, the structure of a part of the milk protein changes - it denatures and then glued, it is explained in a recent release of the news agency dpa. This bonding creates a net-like structure, the skin. As the State Association of the Bavarian Dairy explained in the message, this is lighter than the water contained in the milk and therefore floats above.
Good source of protein for the body
Consumers can only avoid this by heating the milk at medium speed, stirring constantly. If you have no disgust for milk, you do not have to dispose of them. On the contrary, the whey proteins that make it up are a good source of protein for the body. In any case, most experts consider milk to be a healthy food that can strengthen bones and teeth and prevent osteoporosis, for example, because of the calcium it contains. However, in recent years, more and more people are diagnosed with lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance), which means that sufferers usually do without dairy products. (Ad)
Image: Timo Klostermeier