Milk alters taste through heat and light

Milk alters taste through heat and light / Health News

Milk changes its taste through heat and light


Milk is not the same as milk. Production processes, ingredients and storage have a major influence on the milk taste, explains Josef Stemmer of the Bavarian Dairy Association (LVBM). He warns sun worshipers: "Light and heat also affect the milk taste".

„Whilst skim milk and low-fat milk are light and refreshing, whole milk tastes softer and creamier“, explains the expert. H-milk is given a sweetish taste due to the short-term high temperature effect during production „a nuance caramel“. Experts speak in this connection of the cooking taste.

Light taste with milk and beer
If milk is exposed to light for a long time, connoisseurs speak of the so-called light taste. It is caused by the Strecker degradation of the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine, which subsequently reacts to methional. After only a short period of intense light irradiation, the so-called light taste develops, which initially tastes metallic later cheesy.

Light taste is not only a problem for milk, beer or wine suffer from permanent exposure to light. In beer, this is the hops responsible, whose bitter substances change the taste. Gourmet Udo Pini explains: „So hopped beer gets in bottles by too much light its slightly sulfuric aftertaste, light-exposed wines or champagne 'käseln'.“

Tasty subtleties of the milk
„Experts and 'fine noses' can also detect differences in grass when feeding grass and hay or when feeding silage“, so the LVBM. In contrast to such small-scale changes in taste, light taste in milk is also obvious to laymen. Consumers should therefore avoid the effects of light and heat in the best possible way.

Experts advise both the beer and milk to cool and dark storage, to prevent a change in taste. „Milk and flavor are best when the milk is dark and well sealed in the refrigerator“, advises LVBM. In this way, the sensitive food and its taste is best protected, it goes on. (Lb)

Picture: Traumtaenzerin