Migraine risk gene discovered

Migraine risk gene discovered / Health News

Migraine: risk gene discovered.

(30.08.2010) Millions of people in Germany suffer from migraines. Now, an international research team has discovered a risk gene that significantly increases the risk of migraine. This confirms what experts have long suspected: migraine is hereditary.

gene variant „rs1835740“ responsible for migraine.
In the study, scientists compared the genetic material of more than 50,000 people from Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Iceland and Denmark, identifying a special gene marker on the eighth chromosome as risk-increasing for migraine. About 20 percent more often people suffer with the gene variant „rs1835740“ Headache, accompanied by classic migraine symptoms, so now in the journal „Nature Genetics“ published results of the studies.

Defective glutamate regulation leads to headache.
The described gene variant (alleles) is in close proximity to two other genes (PGCP and MTDH), which in turn assume important roles in glutamate regulation. So take „rs1835740“ According to the study director Verneri Anttila of the University of Helsinki on the neighboring genes influence on the supply of the neurotransmitter glutamate at the synapses. As a neurotransmitter, glutamate is responsible for the flow of information between nerve cells and the brain. If at the crossroads of the flow of information, the synapses, the glutamate regulation does not work, it comes to the researchers according to a kind of data congestion, which may trigger migraine. For the regulation, the study is usually responsible for a special protein that is not released in migraineurs. "An accumulation of glutamate in the brain could play a key role in the development of migraine," said co-author Christian Kubisch of the University of Cologne „Mirror online“. Thus, it is likely that the glutamate excess at the synapses causes the massive headache.

Eight million people in Germany suffer from migraine.
About eight million people in Germany suffer from migraine, whereby the intensity of the symptoms varies greatly. The spectrum ranges from pulsating headaches, nausea and sensitivity to light and noise to vomiting, tunnel vision, speech disorders and numbness in the fingers and arms. In Europe, about 17 percent of women and eight percent of men are affected by the disease of the nervous system. Patients may already have first relapses during puberty, but significant headaches usually do not occur until adulthood. With the results of the study, many sufferers finally find an answer to the question of why they are suffering from migraine attacks. In addition, it can be hoped that on the basis of the findings will soon be developed drugs that directly influence the treatment of glutamate in the treatment.

Botox helps with migraine.
Only recently, two studies have been reported that offer a new treatment with botulinum toxin („Botox“) have tested successfully on migraine patients. Thus, injecting the nerve agent into the head and neck muscles can effectively relieve patient pain. The mode of action is not yet clear, but the success was obvious. In addition, with precise application of the nerve agent with correspondingly low side effects of the therapy is expected, so the comment of a spokesman for the German Migraine and Headache Society (DMKG). In addition, a Norwegian study of teenagers has found that overweight, smoking young people with too little exercise are more likely to experience headaches, and an unhealthy lifestyle increases migraine risk. Conversely, this means that a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise minimizes the risk of illness.

Naturopathy offers alternative treatments for migraine.
Even with naturopathic procedures, good results could already be achieved with the migraine treatment. After the therapist first analyzes in the amnesis the cause of the pain, appropriate treatments are then initiated. These may range from biofeedback, draining methods (e.g., cupping), fasting and neural therapy, homeopathy, osteopathy and relaxation techniques, to acupuncture, arm and foot baths. (Fp)

Also read:
Botox is said to help with chronic migraines
Magnetic impulses against migraine
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