Migraines often provide a valve for suppressed tensions

Migraines often provide a valve for suppressed tensions / Health News
Acupuncture helps against acute pain - Chinese herbs long term
Migraine patients - at least 14 percent of women and seven percent of men suffer from it - often resort to analgesics in an acute attack. The violent attacks are hardly bearable. Often, visual disturbances, nausea, coldness and numbness join the pain.

However, many migraine sufferers report that the disease worsens over time and seizures are more severe and frequent. Chinese medicine has an explanation for this. In their view, with the acute attack, a kind of tension is released, which builds up again until the next attack. If, on the other hand, the attack is suppressed with pain medication, this discharge can not take place. However, since the tension is still in the body, the next attack comes earlier than in the untreated case.

"Cropping the seizure leaves an unfinished remnant in the body, leaving behind a kind of pent-up demand that causes the next seizure earlier," Dr. Christian Schmincke, expert in Chinese medicine and director of the clinic at the Steigerwald. "In the worst case, this causes the frequency of seizures is caused solely by the drug level." Since this drug dependence is independent of the type of migraine - occurs, for example, in naturopathic pain formulas - is the fact that the pain is taken, decisive. A treatment according to the Chinese guidelines first provides for the weaning of drugs. In order to solve the migraine-causing tension in the long term, it first requires a comprehensive causal research. Thus, despite the same symptoms in two patients may be underlying different causes.

"In some patients, mental disorders cause the attacks of pain, in others, for example, have over years, for example, with premature administration of antibiotics suppress infections Infestion remains left in the body. Some questions are also based on disorders of the female cycle, "explains Dr. Schmincke. These need to be resolved by means of internal and external therapy.

Depending on the dominant cause, TCM experts rely on various Chinese pharmaceutical ingredients as the mainstay of therapy. Patients take herbs, tubers and roots daily in the form of decoctions, so-called decoctions, which the physicians adjust during the course of the therapy. In the case of migraine and headache patients, these often include medicinal herbs in the beginning to compensate for the imbalance between the stomach and the head. In addition, special acute recipes with bamboo help to survive the pain attacks well. "However, they reduce the pain less radically, but they last longer and do not hinder the correction of the cause," explains Dr. Schmincke. Acupuncture and moxibustion also help with the attacks of pain. Qi Gong, a system of gentle, slow movement exercises, has a calming and invigorating effect on headache patients and thus also contributes to successful therapy. Healthy nutrition and tension-releasing body therapies complete the concept. (Pm)