Possible cause of psoriasis

Possible cause of psoriasis / Health News

Researchers discover potential cause of psoriasis


Psoriasis is a relatively common skin disease affecting millions of people. Although the disease is often treatable well, but not generally curable. There is hope, however, after researchers have identified a possible cause of psoriasis through tests on mice.

Two million Germans fall ill annually
Psoriasis (psoriasis) is a relatively widespread skin disease, which often brings a significant emotional burden for those affected. The disease is different in each patient and occurs in some only once in a lifetime. In Germany, around two million people fall ill each year and worldwide, suffering is one of the most common inflammatory skin diseases in the Western world. Experts have long been searching for the exact causes of the disease. Researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the University of Heidelberg have now found that a missing molecule in mice causes symptoms similar to those of psoriasis, such as itchy rash.

Mice lacked specific protein
The scientists concentrated their studies on the „Wnt signaling pathway“, which plays an important role during embryonic development in humans and animals, but also in the growth of tumors. The mice used for the study lacked a specific protein to help them „Wnt molecules“ normally get out of the cell and trigger signals that, for example, lead to the production of messenger substances or drive cell growth.

Understand complex processes
The researchers also observed psoriasis-like symptoms in the mice. Iris Augustin from the DKFZ explained: „The skin becomes inflamed, new vessels develop, the skin cells proliferate and shed.“ In addition, the skin of the mice contained less so-called DETCs, immune cells that normally fend off invaders and prevent inflammation. The new findings provide the opportunity, according to the scientists, „Understand the complex processes of inflammatory skin diseases.“

Patients suffer from sensitive and flaky skin
Psoriasis patients usually suffer from dry, sensitive and flaky skin. Possible causes include genetic predisposition, environmental factors and an imbalance in the immune system. The function of the skin as a natural barrier against pathogens, chemical and physical stimuli is gradually lost. In the long term, this can lead to chronic inflammation, autoimmune reactions or even infections.

Treat psoriasis with home remedies
Although there are many effective medicines to treat psoriasis, it is not always necessary to resort to conventional medicine. In particular, the less severe forms of itchy skin rash of a psoriasis can often be successfully overcome by the external application of creams, ointments, lotions and tinctures, using a variety of ingredients use. Some common natural remedies are lukewarm chamomile tea, which should be used to wash the psoriasis affected areas several times a day. Or healing clay, which is given over several weeks on the affected skin. Also recommended are full baths enriched with Dead Sea salt and a reduction in gluten-containing foods. (Ad)

Picture: S. Hofschlaeger.