Mexico introduced punitive tax for fast food

Mexico introduced punitive tax for fast food / Health News

In the fight against the overweight decide Mexican taxpayers on fast food and soft drinks


Around one third of Mexicans are overweight according to the World Agriculture Organization (FAO). In order to fight the excess kilos, the Mexican parliament decided on Thursday a tax on high-calorie fast food. At the same time, healthy foods should be promoted. In this way, the population should be encouraged to have a healthier diet. The day before, MEPs were already in favor of introducing a tax on soft drinks. Brian Smith, the president of Coca Cola in Latin America, responded promptly, saying that the company wanted to focus more on low-calorie or zero-calorie products in the future.

Tax on fast food should promote healthy food
Mexico is one of the countries with the most overweight. About one third of the population is overweight or even obese. President Enrique Pena Nieto is therefore planning various health promotion campaigns for his compatriots. In order to establish a healthier lifestyle in the population, food should be promoted, which have a higher fiber content and fewer calories. This will give manufacturers an incentive to offer more balanced products. At the same time, attractive sports programs should encourage a healthier lifestyle.

The Mexican parliament also decided on Wednesday to introduce a tax of eight cents per liter on soft drinks. Yesterday, the subordinates also agreed to a tax of eight percent on foods that have more than 275 calories per 100 grams. Every Mexican drinks an average of 163 liters of soft drinks per year. This puts Mexico the world leader in soft drink consumption.

Obesity is one of the biggest challenges for the health systems of industrialized countries
Not only in Mexico, the numbers of people with overweight and obesity (obesity) are increasing. In the US, according to the FAO, 32 percent of the population are affected, in Egypt 35 percent, in Kuwait 43 percent and on the Micronesian island of Nauru even 71 percent. According to a study by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), 25 percent of people in Germany are suffering from obesity - and the trend is rising. Above all women from education-far layers are affected in this country, it was said in the investigation.

This development has dramatic health consequences for those affected but also for health systems. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, the number of surgeries increased by 65 percent between 2009 and 2012 for their insured persons. High weight gain increases the risk of diet-related disorders, including diabetes mellitus, lipid metabolism disorders, high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases. In Germany, the latter causes the most death among the diseases. In many cases, however, the (life-threatening) symptoms could be prevented with a healthy diet and sufficient exercise. (Ag)

Image: Thommy Weiss