Menstruation Helpful foods against PMS

Menstruation Helpful foods against PMS / Health News

PMS: Proper nutrition helps with premenstrual syndrome

Not only menstruation is a very unpleasant time for most women, but also the days before the period. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can cause a variety of physical and psychological complaints. Proper nutrition can help affected women. Of some foods they should, however, keep their fingers in this time.

When the days before the days cause discomfort

Especially women over 30 know the problem when the days before the days cause physical and mental discomfort such as pain, fatigue, irritability or hypersensitivity. In some cases, the symptoms of the so-called "premenstrual syndrome", or PMS for short, can be so severe that they burden the lives of the affected women enormously. But you have opportunities to do something about it - including with the right foods.

The days before the days can cause numerous physical and mental complaints. Proper nutrition can help women fight premenstrual syndrome (PMS). (Image: ruigsantos /

Abdominal pain before the period

Especially if women have stomach aches and cramps before their period, they should check their eating habits.

According to experts, at this time they should better keep away from certain foods.

For example, experts point out that alcohol, chocolate, and heavily salted foods are suspected of exacerbating symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Affected women should also abstain from caffeine.

Supplementary intake of B vitamins and magnesium

The professional association of gynecologists (BVF) writes on its website, what could help:

"According to recent findings, the intake of unsaturated fatty acids (such as from cold-water fish) and the supplemental intake of B vitamins and magnesium can have a positive effect on the mood, physical complaints such as breast tenderness, water retention and food cravings."

Helpful foods

Other experts specifically recommend a diet rich in vitamin B6, as it promotes the development of the hormones serotonin and dopamine and could help against the frequent mood swings.

Much of this vitamin is found in fruits such as avocados or bananas, in legumes such as green beans, peas and lentils, and in vegetables such as broccoli or spinach.

The production of serotonin is also favored by a diet that is high in the amino acid tryptopan. This substance is included in bananas in large quantities.

Also, vitamin D and calcium can positively control the estrogen levels and thus reduce possible discomfort. The mineral is rich in yoghurt.

Sport and relaxation

According to the BVF experts, sport can also have a very favorable effect on premenstrual syndrome.

Because of the movement, the water stored in the body is transported away faster and the increased blood flow at the same time dissolves spasms in the uterus and can thus reduce pelvic pain and back pain.

Above all, endurance training such as walking, cycling, jogging or swimming are recommended here.

Health experts also recommend a lot of peace and fresh air. Relaxation techniques like yoga, tai chi, autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also make the days before the days easier. (Ad)