Majority relies on homeopathy & naturopathy

Majority relies on homeopathy & naturopathy / Health News

In a survey, Austrians assess naturopathy and homeopathy positively


An Austrian study comes to the conclusion that alternative healing methods such as acupuncture or homeopathy enjoy a relatively high reputation among the population. Two-thirds of the Austrians surveyed rated the corresponding treatment approaches as positive in a comprehensive patient survey.

Most patients do not judge naturopathy or complementary medicine as a substitute for traditional medical treatment methods, but rather as a helpful supplement, according to the survey by the Austrian pollster Karmasin. Institute director Sophie Karmasin said at a presentation commissioned by a pharmaceutical company that nearly half of the 1,000 respondents had already resorted to complementary medical treatments. Acupuncture, homeopathy and Co. have long been for most Austrians „no foreign word“ More, only the over 50-year-old men are still extremely skeptical, according to the statement of the pollster.

Two-thirds of the respondents rate naturopathy positively
Overall, two-thirds of respondents said that they are quite positive about complementary medicine, but not as an alternative but as a supplement to conventional medicine. 81 percent of the participants rated the naturopathic treatment approaches as a possible complement to conventional treatment methods, said Sophie Karmasin. In particular, the subjects over the age of 30 years „Trust both worlds“, Without devaluing the conventional medicine, said the pollster. A total of 43 percent of respondents are the „open type“ who has gained experience with conventional medical as well as naturopathic treatment methods. Women over the age of 50 were the most open-minded to complementary medical treatments, Karmasin said. The women also accounted for the largest proportion of the 39 percent of respondents who often indicated home remedies and themselves „nature-oriented type“ zuordneten.

Alternative treatment for headaches, nervousness and indigestion
However, the personal interviews also revealed that 18 percent of the respondents rely exclusively on conventional medicine and oppose the naturopathic procedure. This group is largely formed by men over the age of 50 years, who seek medical attention in case of illnesses and then expect a quick solution, said the pollster Karmasin. But almost half of the participants had already resorted to complementary medical methods, most of them headache (39 percent), followed by nervousness and indigestion based on naturopathic treatment methods. Much of the subjects learned from the alternative treatment approaches through friends or acquaintances, explained Karmasin, adding that this is also an expression of the importance of „Word-of-mouth“ in the complementary medical treatments.

Acceptance of naturopathic treatment methods is increasing
The openness to naturopathic treatment method is „not necessarily a consequence of dissatisfaction with conventional medicine“, because most respondents were quite satisfied with the conventional medical treatment, according to the opinion pollsters. However, according to Karmasin, it was noticeable that 81 percent of the participants wished their doctors would pay more attention to the patients. In addition, 78 percent complained that the doctors should take more time for patients. There were no similar complaints to the complementary medical therapists. All in all, the current Austrian survey shows a very pleasing picture of the acceptance of naturopathic treatment methods, even if in some areas there is still some progress to be made. (Fp)

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