More drugs for workers in the southwest

More drugs for workers in the southwest / Health News

Regulation of medicinal products in Baden-Württemberg increased significantly


In Baden-Wuerttemberg the prescription of medicines increased again last year and thus reached a new high, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) in Stuttgart. Never before have so many medicines been prescribed for those insured in the southwest. However, the consumption of medicines in Baden-Württemberg still remains below the national average, explained the head of the Baden-Württemberg regional representation, Andreas Vogt.

According to a statement by TK, a total of about 30 billion euros are spent on statutory health insurance for drugs nationwide and TK in the southwest spent around 300 million euros on pharmaceuticals in 2012. In the past year, there was once again a clear increase in the average prescribed daily doses. By more than five percent (5.3%) had the drug regulations in TK-insured employees in Baden-Württemberg soared. An average of 213 daily doses were received by every working member of the TK in Baden-Württemberg in 2013. Compared to the regulations of 2005, this represents an increase of almost 30 percent.

Drastic increase in prescribed daily doses
Although the drug regulations in the southwest are still well below the national average, the recent growth rates in Baden-Württemberg are considerable. To date, however, workers in Baden-Württemberg need significantly less medication than in most other federal states, explained Andreas Vogt. „Only in Bavaria is even less prescribed“, said the head of the TK-Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg. Measured in terms of drug expenditure per capita, Baden-Württemberg is still comparatively well at 526 euros. The national average here is 538 euros and the front runner Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania even reaches 672 euros per capita. According to the Techniker Krankenkasse, the national average of the prescribed daily doses was 235, while in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 259 daily doses were prescribed per capita. Only in Saxony-Anhalt did TK-insured employees receive even more medicines (271 daily doses).

More cardiovascular and gastrointestinal medications prescribed
Particularly dramatic was the increase in drug prescriptions in Baden-Württemberg in cardiovascular drugs and gastrointestinal drugs, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse. But prescriptions have also increased significantly in the so-called immunomodulators. The prescriptions of psychotropic drugs have also increased significantly, but this is not reflected in the expenditures of the health insurance company due to the here recorded price decline. In fact, TK recorded a significant decline in the cost of psychotropic drugs in 2012, and spending rose only marginally last year.

One possible reason for a significant increase in the prescribed daily doses could be the growing willingness to prescribe medication, which in turn could stem from the tendency among physicians and patients to focus on medicines instead of possibly changing unhealthy behavior, the news agency reports „dpa“ and appeal to the head of the TK-Landesvertretung Baden-Württemberg. Every year, the health insurance company analyzes the sick leave and drug data of its approximately one million employed persons in Baden-Württemberg. (Fp)

Image: Juliane Drechsel