Mediterranean cuisine is good for the heart and circulation

Mediterranean cuisine is good for the heart and circulation / Health News
Mediterranean food is good for the heart and circulation
The term "Mediterranean diet" refers to the food traditionally consumed by the Mediterranean population. This diet is not a uniform diet, depending on the region, there are variations. Research has long shown that this form of nutrition is very high quality and healthy.

Vegetables and fruits provide fiber, vitamins and minerals. The less the fruits and vegetables are treated, the more valuable it is. In the Mediterranean diet, the raw food is particularly high.

Typical of the classic Mediterranean diet is:
- A high proportion of plant foods, ie vegetables, legumes and fruits
- Plenty of fish and seafood
- Olive oil as the main source of fat
- Cereal products such as bread and pasta
- Nuts and seeds
- Milk and cheese
- Little meat

Fish and seafood are rich in high quality protein and contain omega-3 fatty acids. These have a positive effect on the cholesterol level and our cardiovascular system. They are abundant in fresh caught marine fish, which together with olive oil, vegetables and herbs are part of the hearty Mediterranean diet.

A Mediterranean diet can protect people with heart disease from heart attacks and strokes. So sufferers should eat more fish, fruits and vegetables to improve their health. (Image: katrinshine /

Olive oil is used to prepare most foods, but animal fats are sparingly used. The oleic acid contained in olive oil are attributed cholesterol-lowering and thus cardiovascular system protective properties. Nutritionally important are also olives. They provide valuable fatty acids and counteract too high a cholesterol level. Olives are often served as a snack or as an antipasti.

Bread and pasta are important energy suppliers and must not be missing at any meal. The cereals used in the production contain important vitamins, minerals and digestive fiber.

Nuts and seeds are delicious power plants and donate a lot of energy. They also contain valuable protein and are rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins and valuable fatty acids. In combination with honey, they are a popular snack, which also strengthens the immune system.

Milk and cheese are also included in the Mediterranean diet and are consumed in moderation. These products provide plenty of nutrients: milk protein, vitamins, minerals. Acidified milk products, which have a long tradition in warm countries, contain digestive lactic acid bacteria, cheese provides us with the calcium we need for our bone health.

Meat is used less often in the classic Mediterranean diet than is usual in the kitchens of Northern Europe and North America. The proportion of pork is lower, but traditionally more lamb, goat and poultry are consumed.

Proper nutrition protects the heart and circulation
In 2015, cardiovascular disease was the number one cause of death in Germany, accounting for more than 39% of all deaths. Most of the diseases are caused by arteriosclerosis, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. There are many causes for the development of atherosclerosis: elevated cholesterol and blood lipid levels due to a wrong, especially too high-fat diet with many animal foods, overweight, lack of exercise, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, stress. Age, gender and genetic factors also play a role.

Prevention and improvement of the symptoms are recommended to reduce the intake of meat and fat. This also reduces the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. This can be easily achieved with Mediterranean fare. Due to the many fresh ingredients, this is also naturally rich in vitality. Vitamins C and E, for example, have a positive effect on vascular function. Magnesium and potassium are important for heart contraction, fiber increases the "good" and lower the "bad" cholesterol. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids keep the arteries young and important for the heart and circulation. The omega-3 fatty acids found in marine fish are also confirmed to have a positive effect on our cardiovascular system. With plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, fish and olive oil, the Mediterranean diet is ideal for protecting the heart and circulation.

Holiday food is good for the heart
Heart researchers and nutritionists therefore recommend a diet that we know from their holidays in southern countries: less meat, but more marine fish and lots of fruit and vegetables. Especially important are fresh ingredients in combination with high quality vegetable oils such. As olive oil and avocado oil.

That's how we protect ourselves
Those who want to do good things for the heart and circulation should focus on two things: regular physical activity and a healthy diet. This includes the daily glass of red wine. The phytochemicals contained in the delicious grape juice, especially polyphenols, have strong antioxidant properties. Enjoyed in moderation, red wine should therefore protect heart and vessels. (Sb)