Massive germs in chicken due to antibiotics

Massive germs in chicken due to antibiotics / Health News

Antibiotics in factory farming: Every second chicken is contaminated with dangerous germs


According to a sample of the Federal German Environment and Nature Conservation Union (BUND), chicken meat is often contaminated with dangerous germs. Environmentalists warn against the consequences of the massive use of antibiotics in factory farming and call on the government not only to make binding plans to reduce the use of antibiotics, but also to abolish subsidies for industrial meat production and to significantly improve animal husbandry conditions.

Antibiotic-resistant germs on chicken meat are also dangerous for humans
Consumer Minister Ilse Aigner (CSU) read through a spokesman on Monday confirm that they will present a bill later this week, by the antibiotic use in mass animal husbandry is to be contained.

Backgrounds of the increasingly loud criticism of the use of antibiotics in factory farming are health risks. By taking antibiotics too often, bacteria develop resistance so that the antibiotics are no longer effective in certain diseases. When a person ingests contaminated meat, the antibiotics that have previously been administered to the animal also enter the human body. By antibiotic drugs, the pathogens are usually killed. However, mutations of some germs can then develop resistance to one or more antibiotics. The resistant bacteria can continue to multiply and be passed on the resistance-conferring genes to other bacterial species. It is essential to prevent this.

In meat samples, ESBL and MRSA germs were detected
The Confederation conducted random checks in supermarkets in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Nuremberg and in the region around Stuttgart. An alarming picture emerged in the 20 meat samples tested: ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase) cells were detected in 10 samples, in 2 samples of MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) seed, and in both samples in both samples. Both ESBL and MRSA germs can cause serious health problems and even death in susceptible people.

Hubert Weiger, BUND chairman is shocked: "Every second sample of chicken meat from German supermarkets is burdened with antibiotic-resistant germs - the frightening result of continuing antibiotic abuse, which is not only responsible for the important life-saving effects of important medications The extent of contamination of foods with hospital germs is a clear warning sign of the collateral damage of industrial animal husbandry. "

Government wants to stop antibiotic abuse
Antibiotics may be used in animal husbandry according to the drug law exclusively for the treatment of diseased animals. A study published last November by the consumer ministry of North Rhine-Westphalia has brought to light that 96 percent of the chicken fattening stock is treated with antibiotics. NRW Consumer Protection Minister Johannes Remmel (Greens) then accused the breeders of treating the animals with antibiotics for illegal growth.

Consumer Minister Aigner wants the antiobiotics use „to the extent absolutely necessary for the treatment of animal diseases and to widen the powers of the responsible control and monitoring authorities of the federal states clearly. "This explained her spokesman opposite the Hamburger Abendblatt.

Animals suffer from unacceptable housing conditions
BUND agricultural expert Reinhild Benning reports: „Chickens, chickens, pigs and calves suffer from millions of unacceptable housing conditions and get sick. If they were not given antibiotics, in many cases they would not last until slaughter. Even healthy animals get the antibiotics, because in the industrial animal husbandry usually whole livestock are treated with it.“ Benning continues: „The chicken mast produces risks that end up with consumers. "

A law against antibiotic abuse in factory farming does not go far enough for the BUND. BUND-Versitzender Weiger sees the problem also already in the attitude of the animals: „Federal Agriculture Minister Ilse Aigner must act. The industrial livestock must finally be pushed back.“ The subsidies for industrial meat production would have to be abolished and the keeping conditions of the animals significantly improved. The retail chains and supermarkets are also in demand, argues the BUND. They would have to condemn contaminated meat from their stores and put pressure on their meat suppliers to switch to animal husbandry without antibotics abuse.

Poultry lobby defends itself against data collection
Since last year, Germany has been storing data on drug delivery according to postcodes in a nationwide file (DIMDI). However, the poultry industry is exempt. As a reason, data protection concerns were mentioned. This extremely dubious exception is heavily criticized by veterinarians, Green politicians and privacy advocates. NRW Consumer Protection Minister Remmel announced to NDR Info to examine this Federal Council initiative in order to reverse the regulation.

First precautions for consumers
Sabine Klein of the consumption center North Rhine-Westphalia advises concerned consumers, if necessary to resort to providers who use only a small amount of medicines during animal rearing. The best possible alternatives are also organic farms that let their animals run free and thus treat more spout. In a species-appropriate attitude, the use of antibiotics in bulk is not necessary. It is, so small, but not uncommon, if not processed meat also contains bacteria. For this reason, the chicken should be well-fried and paid attention to sufficient hygienic measures during preparation, as the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Berlin advises. (ag, sb)

Read about:
Massive use of antibiotics in farm animals
Health: Chicken full of antibiotics
Antibiotics contaminated chicken
Health: Chicken full of antibiotics
Alternatives to antibiotics from naturopathy
Individual dosage of antibiotics required
There are no mild antibiotics
Hospital germs: Staphylococci prefer blood

Image: Gerd Altmann,