Massages relieve muscle aches

Massages relieve muscle aches / Health News

Study: Massages can relieve pain


Massages relieve the symptoms of back pain, foot pain or low back pain. This fact has been known for centuries. Why a massage has a pain-relieving effect was investigated by Canadian scientists. The question: Do massages only cause a subjective feeling of relaxation or do organic processes take place? The result: A physiotherapy has probably the same effect as a painkiller and is on the other hand free of dangerous side effects.

Massages are soothing and relieve the symptoms of knee, foot, head or back pain. Researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada have studied the relationships and have come to amazing results. „Presumably, a massage works on the same principle as a freely purchasable painkiller“, explain the researchers Mark Tarnopolsky and Justin Crane in the science magazine „Science Translational Medicine“. The underlying mechanism has long been hidden from the medical profession, although numerous studies have already confirmed the positive effects of massage on various disorders.

A total of eleven young male volunteers participated in the study. Similar to a stress ECG, the young men had to pedal down to their personal limit on a stationary bike. After the exhausting insole one leg of the participants was massaged while the other leg did not get a massage. Additional both thighs were rubbed with oil. After a good two and a half hours, the procedure was repeated again. The researchers then took cell samples from the thigh muscle from both legs. In the lab, they finally checked the different samples of the massaged and non-massaged legs and then determined the gene activities.

Inflammation messengers are inhibited
The result showed that massages activate specific genes in the muscle cells that encourage the organism to reduce the production of inflammatory messengers. In addition, the overused muscles after the massage unit formed more mitochondria. Mitochondria are parts of cells that support, for example, healing processes of injured muscle fibers. Especially many are in cells with high energy consumption, such as nerve cells, muscle cells, heart muscle cells or sensory cells. From massage therapies could thus not only active „Athletes benefit, but also people who suffer from chronic inflammation“ as Tarnopolsky summarized. „The massage has inhibited inflammation and thus pain.“

The research team assumes that massages can relieve pain and prevent inflammation. However, the massages did not influence the formation of lactic acid in muscle tissue. For a long time, medical experts had assumed that lactate is a trigger for sore muscles. Now it is believed that the pain in the muscles caused by the slightest injury in the tissue.

Traditional Thai massage
For centuries, Thai massages have relieved the pain of afflicted patients. It is based on the effects of traditional Asian teaching. By the pressure point massages the blood circulation is stimulated, by stretching and massages muscle complaints are alleviated. Although the Canadian study does not address traditional massage techniques, it does provide evidence of the healing power of natural Asian medicine. (Sb)

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Picture: Matthias Balzer