Mammography Screening Lowers Breast Cancer Death Rate

Mammography Screening Lowers Breast Cancer Death Rate / Health News

By mammography screening mortality rate reduced in breast cancer


After 20 years of regular mammography screening in the Netherlands, there was a significant reduction in the death rate from breast cancer. This became known through a study now published. Two years ago, Danish scientists questioned the success of such screening for breast cancer screening, as misdiagnosis often sets the women in doubt.

Breast cancer mortality reduced by 31 percent
At the occasion of the 8th European Breast Cancer Congress in Vienna, the Dutch researchers point out that in 2009 the death rate due to breast cancer was 31 percent lower in women between the ages of 50 and 75 than it was between 1986 and 1988. Rianne de Gelder, One of the authors of the study stated that the reduction in mortality was not due solely to mammographic screening and subsequent therapies. Recent diagnostic and treatment methods for breast cancer could also have contributed to this.

Only two years ago, Danish scientists doubted that such breast cancer prevention was even promising. Misdiagnoses were often made, which would make the women very insecure. The researchers from the University of Rotterdam have now declared that wrong diagnoses of breast cancer as well as the erroneous assessment of the danger of tumors would not occur frequently. The risk of misdiagnosis is six percent for a woman who goes to mammography screening for 20 years. „We are convinced that the benefits of the screening program outweigh any adverse effects“, says Jacques Fracheboud from the medical center of the University of Rotterdam. The study results are the „convincing evidence that the program has contributed to a reduction in breast cancer mortality over the past 20 years in the Netherlands“.

Germany's highest breast cancer mortality rate
In the Netherlands 2.5 million women have been screened for breast cancer since 1990. A total of 13.2 studies were performed, resulting in 178,000 referrals and 67,000 breast cancer diagnoses.

In 2005, the mammography screening was introduced as a screening in Germany. The study is free for women aged 50 to 69 years every two years. Mammography can also diagnose small, non-tactile changes in the breast. The sooner a tumor is detected, the greater the chances of recovery.

According to an Italian study, Germany takes the unfortunate leading position in breast cancer mortality. According to the researchers of Matteo Malvezzi, 16.5 out of every 100,000 women are affected. The average in the European Union (EU) is only 14.9 out of 100,000 women. Overall, however, the number of deaths from breast cancer has declined. In Germany, 7.5 percent fewer deaths have been recorded since 2007, the EU average was nine percent. Each year, around 18,000 women in the Federal Republic are striving for the consequences of breast cancer. (Ag)

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