Malaria protection Sweat odor should make cows to mosquito baits

Malaria protection Sweat odor should make cows to mosquito baits / Health News
Mosquitoes that transmit malaria attracts the smell of human sweat. That's why scientists in California developed a vaccine that makes cows smell of human sweat in order to lure the mosquitoes to cows.

Bad air?
Malaria, bad air, the ancient Romans called the life-threatening fever whose pathogens transmit mosquitoes when they suck blood. Since the Romans could not know about viruses and bacteria, but saw that people near the swamps were suffering from the fever, they considered the local air as the cause.

Artificial sweat odor should attract mosquitoes to mosquitoes instead of humans. Image: rbkelle /

Mosquito larvae hatch in the water
Mosquito larvae develop in stagnant water, which explains why malaria is rife with swamps. Where there is no water, no mosquitoes develop that could transmit malaria.

No tropical disease
Malaria is not a tropical disease, but historically spread not only in Italy, but also in Germany. Today, she is mainly looking for people in the wetlands of Africa, America and Asia. In Africa, the most dangerous variant deals, the "tropical malaria".

Avoid malarian
The best protection against malaria is to avoid mosquito bites. So far, mosquito nets or mosquito sprays are used. However, in 2015, still 212 million people fell ill with the disease, every second infected died of it.

Africa in the center
The disease rages worst in sub-Saharan Africa. Here, the scientists now try their sweat fragrance on cows and goats.

Stab and die
Isca technologies developed the substance, which smells of human sputum, and which is now being kept by African livestock. Included on average is also a deworming agent. As a result, the mosquito dies immediately after the sting, after the scent previously lured it to the cattle or the goat.

animal cruelty?
The animals do not get sick, and thus the sting is without consequences for them.

Tests in Tanzania
Tanzania is particularly affected by malaria (malaria tropica), with a year-round risk of less than 1800 m throughout the country. In addition, goats and cattle are the most important farm animals in many parts of the country. Here the biotech company tested the vaccine. The first results promise success: the number of pierced cows increased significantly; the number of stung people decreased significantly.

No one hundred percent protection
100% protection against malaria will not be guaranteed by the new drug. But especially for people in the third world, he can reduce the risk of getting infected.

Currently, malaria prophylaxis medications include: chloroquine, proguanil, mefloquine, atovaquone, artemether, doxycycline, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine.

Insect repellents help against getting stung in the first place. The most effective remedy on the skin is DEET. Icaridin preparations are also very suitable. Mosquito nets can be impregnated with cyfluthrin.

Solid clothes
Fleece fabrics or wool sweaters are good for protecting against mosquito bites, but are hardly portable in tropical heat. In outdoor shops, however, there are long-sleeved shirts and pants that are adapted to the heat and yet mosquito-proof.

Cost-effective alternative?
But the common drugs for malaria are so expensive that the local people usually can not afford them. Moreover, they are usually not available. Even long-sleeved shirts and pants, as well as shoes that have the ankles, many locals do not. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)