Magnesium reduces diabetes risk

Magnesium reduces diabetes risk / Health News

Magnesium reduces the risk of diabetes: Magnesium deficiency is a cause of diabetes?


In addition to unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, magnesium deficiency is another major factor in the development of diabetes, according to Kim Dae Jung and colleagues from the University of North Carolina (USA) „Diabetes Care“.

In a comprehensive study, researchers from the University of North Carolina confirmed the results of previous research and identified magnesium deficiency as a major risk factor for diabetes. When magnesium is deficient, insulin is worse, favoring insulin resistance typical of type 2 diabetes, according to Kim Dae Jung and colleagues. In addition, low levels of magnesium also tend to increase inflammatory levels in the blood, the US scientists said.

Magnesium concentration influences the risk of diabetes
As part of their study, Kim Dae Jung and colleagues studied dietary habits and blood levels in 4,497 Americans between the ages of 18 and 30 over a 20-year period. The US researchers found that people with the lowest magnesium intake and magnesium concentration in the blood were significantly more likely to develop diabetes than the study participants with the best magnesium supplementation during the study period. The subjects, who were well supplied with magnesium, had stated in the study to regularly consume magnesium-rich foods such as whole grains or to take in the minerals with the help of additional preparations. This resulted in a 47 percent reduction in the risk of diabetes from the least well-endowed study participants, researchers from the University of North Carolina report.

Insulin works worse in magnesium deficiency
As a cause of the increased risk of diabetes in magnesium deficiency, the US scientists suspect a relationship between the effect of insulin and the magnesium concentration in the blood. Inadequate magnesium intake causes insulin, which acts as a key hormone in sugar metabolism, to be worse, thereby increasing the risk of insulin resistance. This in turn is the cause of common type 2 diabetes. With the results of their study, Kim Dae Jung and colleagues confirm the results of early research, which also found that magnesium improves insulin efficiency and magnesium deficiency may promote the onset of diabetes.

Magnesium deficiency increases levels of inflammation in the blood
In addition, the US researchers at the University of North Carolina have shown that low levels of magnesium also increase levels of inflammation in the blood. So not only increase the risk of diabetes with the magnesium deficiency, but by the increased inflammatory levels in the blood are also subject more often vascular damage and heart attack, the US scientists report. „This confirms that a magnesium deficiency not only promotes (...) diabetes, but also secondary diseases of the metabolic disorder of the heart and blood vessels“, explained the Society for Biofactors (GfB) on the occasion of the current study results. To prevent magnesium deficiency, the nonprofit organization recommends paying more attention to the magnesium supply. Magnesium is mainly contained in whole grains, nuts and legumes and could possibly be taken up with the help of additional preparations, the GfB emphasized.

Symptoms of Diabetes Diseases
Type 2 diabetes usually develops gradually over years. Nonspecific symptoms such as tiredness, weakness, blurred vision, and more frequent infections often occur at the onset of the disease. If hypoglycaemia sets in, trembling, excessive sweating, inner restlessness and nervousness are the first noticeable signs of those affected. Anyone diagnosing the symptoms should urgently consult a doctor who will check the blood sugar level in a brief examination and determine if there is a possible diabetes. Especially in the industrialized countries, type 2 diabetes is relatively widespread. In Germany, about 10 percent of the population (8 million people) suffer from so-called adult onset diabetes (type 2 diabetes). (Fp)

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Picture credits: Michael Horn