Lung Disease in Home Residents

Lung Disease in Home Residents / Health News

Influenza viruses cause lung disease in residents of Hameln-Pyrmont


(Hameln). The cause of the mysterious lung diseases in a nursing home in the district of Hameln-Pyrmont has been clarified. The complaints of more than 20 residents have been caused by an influenza A influenza virus infection „NDR“ citing the statement of the spokeswoman for the health department in Hameln.

Last weekend, many residents of the retirement home in Coppenbrügge were hospitalized with high fever, cough and lung problems. In the meantime, one patient was even in mortal danger. What caused the complaints of the 23 affected persons remained unclear at first. The health authorities in Hamelin-Pyrmont district feverishly searched for the cause of the patients' severe lung disease. On Monday, the first results of the investigations could now be presented. According to influenza virus influenza A are the cause of the disease.

Nursing home remains blocked for the time being
Although the cause of the complaints of the residents has now been identified, it remains unclear on which way the infection in the nursing home could spread. For example, the nursing home will initially remain closed to visitors and the competent authorities have ordered comprehensive hygiene measures to prevent further infections. At present there are 20 residents in the old people's home in the hospital, two of them being treated in the intensive care unit. But most of them are getting better now, he says „NDR“. Although the health risk should not be underestimated even with flu infections, the identification of the pathogens among those affected and those responsible for the nursing home has certainly provided some reassurance. Especially since the weekend was initially speculated about the trigger of the complaints and the large-scale use of emergency services feared the worst. (Fp)

Picture credits: Rike