Pulmonary embolism 16-year-old girl died of the side effects of contraceptive pills

Pulmonary embolism 16-year-old girl died of the side effects of contraceptive pills / Health News
16-year-old dies because a doctor considers emerging symptoms for asthma
Many women use the pill for contraception. However, most users do not worry about side effects. Medical experts warn that the side effects should be considered, now that a girl died from the consequences of taking the pill.
The pill is a widely used contraceptive method in Western and Eastern industrial nations. However, even with this drug, the side effects should be considered. In England, a 16-year-old girl now died from a blood clot. The girl fell ill a year after receiving the pill, reported "The Telegraph".

Young girl died of side effects of the pill. Picture: Dr. Kateryna - fotolia

Side effects trigger blood clots, teenage dies
Medications can have strong side effects. These should not be underestimated. A 16-year-old girl died of a blood clot that "was triggered by taking birth control pills," British doctors tell the "Telegraph". A doctor had falsely diagnosed asthma. The teenager fell ill in September of last year, about a year after the pill was prescribed to her mother during a visit to the family doctor. She complained of pain in her chest, was increasingly suffering from breathing difficulties, and could barely go upstairs. The girl died on November 8, her mother had found the teenager lifeless in her room.

21-year-old woman also died from side effects of the pill?
Earlier this week, an independent investigation found that another young woman died from a blood clot that might have been released through the pill. The 21-year-old died of a pulmonary embolism, explained the doctors in the "Telegraph". The doctors said that out of 10,000 women who use the combined pill, on average, six people develop blood clots. In women who do not take the pill, there are two cases in 10,000 women, the British researchers said. In many of these cases, however, the conditions are not fatal and could be treated.

False diagnosis determines exertional asthma
The mother explained that her child was "fully healthy and had no health problems until she complained of chest pain on September 23". There was no swelling of the legs and no breathlessness at this time.

About a year earlier, the mother and her daughter had been to their family doctor. The doctor had prescribed the teenager the pill (Microgynon). By October, her symptoms were getting worse. The mother described shortness of breath and said it was like breathing through a straw.

Usually, mother and daughter did exercises on fitness DVDs. But the teenager was suddenly unable to do the exercises, the mother said. Also, her dance lessons broke off the young girl. On another visit to the family doctor on October 15, the teenager described her shortness of breath as well as her pain and tingling in her arm. At this point, the girl had big problems walking short distances or climbing stairs. The doctor's preliminary diagnosis was for exertional asthma. The physician made some tests to confirm his guess. The patient was later prescribed an inhaler. When the inhaler did not give her any relief, the girl was prescribed another brand and pills, the mourning mother said during the examination.

Post mortem examination: girl died of pulmonary embolism
On 8 November, the child was found unconscious by her mother in her room. A called emergency doctor had the young girl immediately taken to a hospital. There she was declared dead. One of the listed side effects of the pill was that it can lead to an increased risk of thrombosis or blood clots, said physicians.

Many of the causes of deep vein thrombosis, such as smoking, age, obesity, and physical inactivity, could not be detected in the teen, explained the pathologist. Richard Prescott. Thus, it was likely that "the side effects of the contraceptive drug were a factor in the formation of the blood clot, which eventually led to the death of the girl," added the pathologist after the autopsy. This effect is very rare. The coroner noted that the teenager died from pulmonary embolism. This in turn was due to a deep vein thrombosis. (As)