Getting older is a good development process

Getting older is a good development process / Health News
Seniors: Aging also has positive sides


People worldwide are getting older and older. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there could be an increase in over-60s to over two billion by 2050. For many people aging is negatively charged, but aging also has many positive sides.

Older aging is often negatively attended
At the end of last year, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that by the year 2050, there could be an increase in over-60s to over two billion. For many people aging is negatively charged. It is not unusual for seniors to be considered stubborn or alive in the past. In addition, many fear physical limitations. Frieder Lang, professor of aging research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, told a news agency dpa that getting old brings many losses and injuries. "But on the other hand, there are also many experience gains."

Many seniors master their lives quite well
For example, by scaling down expectations for the future, increasing age can protect against disappointment. In addition, other patterns of interpretation of aging can beautify life: "Many people also feel strengthened and encouraged when they master their lives despite difficulties well." And more and more seniors do just that: mastering life well. According to researchers, life has become generally easier over the past few decades and medical progress also plays a key role in keeping many people fit until they reach old age. In addition, more and more seniors are turning to sports. Physical fitness naturally decreases with age, but studies show that even in old age, cognitive things such as language learning can be quite good. For some, this could keep the brain fit until old age.

Development process with many positive sides
As "hr-online" reports, gerontology is gaining global influence. In Germany, there are therefore more and more study centers. Many young scientists are also investigating the process of aging, its health, psychological, economic and social aspects. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the average life expectancy was still 45 years, meanwhile it has risen to over 80 years for women and just under 80 for men. It could also be proven that the Germans age later and stay mentally and physically fit, independent and active longer than they did 20 years ago. Scientists now agree, according to "hr-online", that aging is not a primarily negative process of loss and reduction of mental and physical abilities, but also a development process with many positive sides. According to researchers, development is possible until the end, that is, until death. (Ad)

Picture: Rainer Sturm