Mature couple 63-year-old Australian mother - The father is already 78 years old

Mature couple 63-year-old Australian mother - The father is already 78 years old / Health News
Australia's oldest mother: born at the age of 63
Although the average age of mothers continues to increase, what is reported from Australia is very unusual. There, a 63-year-old gave birth to a child - her partner is 78 years old. According to experts, artificial insemination at such an age is "irresponsible".

63-year-old Australian gives birth to baby
According to media reports, a 63-year-old Australian has given birth to a child after artificial insemination. The woman from Tasmania is said to have delivered her baby in a clinic in Melbourne by caesarean section. She is the oldest woman in the country who ever had a child. It is said that the girl was born about eight weeks before the birth date. The partner of the woman was 78 and was present at birth. The artificial insemination probably took place abroad.

That grandmothers take care of small children is not unusual. But when grandmothers even have babies, it causes a stir. In Australia, a 63-year-old woman gave birth to a child. (Image: Martinan /

Experts speak of "irresponsible" behavior
Experts were horrified by the reports. Professor Gab Kovacs of Monash University in Melbourne told newspapers that the natural age for pregnancy ends at around 53 and it is "irresponsible" for doctors to help with artificial insemination thereafter. "Our bodies were not designed to have children in our 60s," Dr. Kovacs. He does not assume that there are doctors in Australia "who would treat someone at this age".

Doctors president condemned the couple
Also, the president of the medical association, Michael Gannon, condemned the woman and her partner and described her as "selfish." "Did anyone think what it's like when the kid is a teenager?" He wrote on Twitter. He said, "Madness. With over 60, you should not have children anymore. "

Berlin grandma got quadruplets
In Germany last year, a woman mother who was even older than the Australian at the delivery. A 65-year-old Berliner gave birth to quadruplets. Months before, when the elderly woman's pregnancy became known, many physicians had warned of the risks for the expectant mother and the babies.

Cardiovascular system is no longer fit for seniors
Thus, in comparison with a simple pregnancy in multiple pregnancies, problems such as increased water retention, especially in the legs as well as pregnancy-related hypertension, varicose veins, anemia and impairments of the maternal abdominal organs occur more frequently. In addition, in elderly women, the cardiovascular system is usually not so fit.

Premature birth with health impairments
In addition, these babies are threatened during pregnancy with a shortage and finally a premature birth with ongoing health impairments such as visual and hearing damage and developmental disorders. In fact, the babies were born 14 weeks early, had to be partially ventilated and undergo surgery. About three months after giving birth, the infants were finally allowed to go home. (Ad)