Older people often over-supplied with vitamin E.

Older people often over-supplied with vitamin E. / Health News

Older people often over-supplied with magnesium and vitamin E.


More and more older people in Germany rely on the alleged health-promoting effects of dietary supplements. Many of them even take so much that they could endanger their health.

Recommended maximum levels are often exceeded
Prevent a vitamin or magnesium deficiency, protect against diseases: More and more older Germans trust in the supposed health-promoting effect of dietary supplements. According to a recent study, many seniors swallow too many of these remedies. According to the study, 54 percent of women and 34 percent of men over the age of 64 would consume supplementary vitamins, minerals or other additives. The daily maximum levels recommended by the European Food Safety Authority are often exceeded.

Seniors from the Augsburg region
The team around Sigrid Schwab, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Barbara Thorand and Professor Annette Peters from the Institute of Epidemiology II (EPI II) at the Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) investigated in the study how often older people eat supplementary nutrients, so-called supplements, and which ingredients are used in which doses. Their results were published in the journal „The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging“. For the study, 1,079 persons aged 65 and over were interviewed in the Augsburg region.

Too much magnesium and vitamin E.
According to the study, women were first and foremost taking magnesium (32 percent) and vitamin D (22 percent), men magnesium (18 percent) and vitamin E (12 percent). Both the women (20 percent) and the men (33 percent) who regularly took magnesium, the quantities were too high. In the case of vitamin E, the female respondents were eight and the male 14 percent were taking too high doses.

Defects, especially for those in need of care
According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), people in need of care often have a shortage of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid and fiber. The nutrient supply could be improved by whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Vitamin E can also be consumed with high-quality oils, but vitamin D supplements may be needed. In men over the age of 65, the DGE recommends a dose of 350 milligrams of magnesium per day, and in women 300 milligrams. As the scientists said, overdoses are dangerous because they can inhibit the absorption of other important vitamins.

Lack of scientific basis for taking supplements
The Director of the Institute for Epidemiology II at the HMGU, Professor dr. Annette Peters, explained that so far „current and population-based data on the use of supplements in the elderly“ Europe is largely absent, but due to age-related nutrient deficiencies, this population is of particular interest in terms of dietary supplementation. So far, there is often an intake without a sound scientific basis. „A great influence in the selection of preparations seems to have industry and advertising“, stressed Peters. The results of the current study and further research are important here in order to make meaningful recommendations for dietary supplementation in old age. (Ad)

Image: Gisela Peter