Older people due to inactivity with increased health risk

Older people due to inactivity with increased health risk / Health News
More than a quarter of older Americans do not move enough
There are many older people who do not move enough. The lack of activity, for example, increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Researchers have now found that more than a quarter of all Americans over the age of 50 are under-energized and have no physical activity.

The scientists at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found in an investigation that more than a quarter of older Americans are not physically active enough. Affected do not drive sports and move too little. The doctors of the CDC now published a press release with the results of their study.

Inactivity in old age can lead to major health problems. For example, when people move too little, it increases the likelihood of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and dementia. (Image: Mediteraneo / fotolia.com)

Little exercise increases the risk of disease
Many older people expose themselves to unnecessary health risks. These arise because those affected do not move enough and do not do sports. Physical inactivity can lead to dangerous illnesses. Adults benefit from any physical activity, explains co-author Janet Fulton of the CDC. Inactive people must be helped to become physically more active. This is an important step towards health.

Scientists analyze the data of a national survey for their study
For their study, the American researchers analyzed the results of a 2014 national survey. The survey focused on the health of people over the age of 50 years. The CDC experts defined people who were only inactive for their daily routine tasks as inactive. On the basis of this definition alone in America about 31 million older Americans are inactive, explain the physicians. This affects more than 29 percent of women and almost 26 percent of all older men. But Germans are clearly not doing enough, according to a motion study by the TK.

Older people are becoming increasingly inactive
The older Americans become, the more inactive they become, say the doctors. Thirty-five percent of people over the age of 75 were classified as inactive. 27 percent of respondents aged 65 to 74 and 25 percent of those aged 50 to 64 were also inactive, the authors add.

Colorado has the most active old people
It was also found that the most active older Americans live in Colorado. Considerable 82 percent of older people in Colorado performed daily exercises. The worst value was achieved by the people of Arkansas. Only 61 percent of the residents there were physically active, say the authors of the study.

Obesity and disease affect the activity
When people are overweight, their likelihood of being physically active decreases, scientists say. Better educated people tend to be more active and to exercise more. It was not really surprising that people with a chronic illness were generally more inactive (32 percent) compared to healthy people (19 percent), the researchers say.

Physically active people usually live longer
Physical activity can increase the lifespan. Even moderate regular exercise significantly reduces the risk of death. The activity reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, dementia and some types of cancer. In older people, exercise and physical activity can also reduce the risk of falls and broken bones. But more research and much work is needed to make it safer and easier for people of all ages to be physically active, explains author Kathleen Watson of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (As)