Older persons heavily burdened by physical work

Heavy physical work puts more strain on older workers
The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) points out in a current fact sheet that physical work puts more strain on older people and therefore „Measures for age-appropriate work design“ should be taken.
In the course of demographic change, the proportion of older employees has risen significantly in the past ten years, reports the BAuA. That's why it's especially important, „To design the work in such a way that all employees, including those already older, can carry out their work until retirement age.“ For example, heavy lifting and carrying or frequent standing could make you sick, „if it comes permanently to bad stress.“ This also applies to „Forced postures such as working overhead or in a kneeling, stooping or lying position.“ In the fact sheet for the BIBB / BAuA Employment Survey under the title „Demographic change in work - physically heavy work puts a strain on older people“ informs the Federal Institute about the special stress situation of older workers and possible adaptation measures for work organization.
Age at the assignment of physical work without meaning?
The BAuA fact sheet compares the demands of physical labor between two groups of workers - those without vocational training and skilled skilled workers or specialized staff. Based on the survey of employees, the BAuA reports that „Semi-skilled workers often have difficulty lifting and carrying or standing while working as employees with a vocational training.“ However, there are only minor differences in the forced postures. The over 55s in both groups would „Although less frequently exposed to heavy physical work, but basically the age does not play a role in the assignment of the job“, according to the BAuA communication. However, the perceived strain of physical work increases drastically with age in both groups studied.
Threatening disorders of the musculoskeletal system
A problem for older workers who have worked their whole life physically, are often disorders of the musculoskeletal system due to the repeated bad stress. A typical consequence of an incorrect loading of the back can be, for example, a herniated disc with corresponding back pain. According to BAuA, it is physically demanding activities „therefore important to make work ergonomic and age-appropriate.“ The basis for tailor-made prevention concepts is one „Risk assessment, which takes into account all foreseeable work processes.“ (Fp)