Heartache lasts 19 months

Heartache lasts 19 months / Health News

Survey: On average, lovesickness takes about 19 months after a separation from the ex-partner. One in ten men can not overcome a separation.

Almost every person knows the unspeakable pain after a separation. According to a survey of the partner online stock market "PARSHIP" lovesickness takes on average about 19 months. This resulted in a non-representative survey of 2500 women and men of the online platform. Men take an average of 17 months to overcome their separation pain. Women, on the other hand, usually mourn for around 20 months. One in ten said they had big doubts ever to fully process the breakup. About six percent of women feel the same way. "After a separation, a period of mourning is important and normal, but after a reasonable time, it should also be deliberately stopped to look back into the (future) relationship openly and positively," said PARSHIP psychologist Markus Ernst. Many people tend to idealize their former partner. "So you should be aware of the difficult situations of the past relationship, which can help with processing."

Lovesickness can cause emotional symptoms as well as emotional distress. Internal restlessness and pondering may be responsible for sleep disorders, fatigue, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. The heart feels „heavy“ or „torn“ and not infrequently, the heartbreak is physically noticeable. The stomach sometimes contracts, nausea and abdominal pain can occur. (sb, 09.10.2010)

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