Prefer not smartphones and tablets for toddlers?

Prefer not smartphones and tablets for toddlers? / Health News
Intellectual development in infants endangered by the use of smartphones and tablets?
The digital age has long since reached the nursery. Many children are familiar with the use of smartphones, tablets and computers early on. The professional association of paediatricians here warns of possible negative consequences of the excessive use of modern media. Thus the mental development of the children could be damaged and also physical impairments are not uncommon. A recent Turkish research has shown that "students who use their smartphone frequently, usually have an enlarged central nerve (median nerve), often suffer from pain in the thumb and tend to impaired hand function," said the announcement of the BVKJ.

The mental development of children is also endangered by the excessive use of smartphones, tablets and Co. according to the medical experts. "We pediatricians are convinced of significant health and psychological impairments, see them daily in our practices," says Till Reckert from the Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) told the news agency "dpa". In addition, there is the danger that parents neglect their children because they are constantly dealing with their own smartphones, said the deputy chairman of the BVKJ in Baden-Württemberg.

According to the BVKJ expert, children are hampered by excessive smartphone and tablet usage in their mental development. (Image: Natallia Vintsik /

Screen media only hinders?
The expert of the BVKJ sees, according to the news agency "dpa" a connection between the worrying increase in excessive demands, headaches, ADHD and mental illness in adolescents and the increasing use of digital media. For example, according to Reckert, the children should initially learn to work with their bodies, their emotions, the world and other people more and more freely in their preschool age. Here screen media are essentially an obstacle. In addition, it is "in everyday life, unfortunately, a rather unsonvenient behavior of the digital natives to face their little things". They lack the necessary basic understanding and they are often overwhelmed by the sheer endless information and possibilities of the devices. It is not unusual for them to become addicted, Reckert continues. Although there are no official diagnostic criteria for smartphone addiction, according to the BVK, similar symptoms to other "addicts" can be observed here. For example, withdrawal symptoms, excessive dealings with the topic, mood swings, uncontrolled cravings and loss of control could occur.

Early media consumption with long-term consequences
Targeted, especially early introduction of the little ones to the use of smartphones and tablets, with the aim of better orientation in the digitized world, is also critical in the opinion of the BVKJ expert. According to him, the opposite is observed in the practices: "The more and the earlier media consumption in childhood and adolescence, the greater the likelihood that children will not cope well with life and then with media." The early introduction the use of modern media does not contribute to a better orientation in the digital world. "I suspect: Googling early and exclusively to get to his information will later become a poorer researcher," continued Reckert.

Media ban makes little sense
However, according to Susanne Rieschel of the initiative "SCHAU HIN!", A general ban on digital media for children is the wrong way to go. "Instead of alarmism, we advise prudence," Rieschel is quoted by the "dpa". The motto is: "Understanding instead of forbidding!" Clear rules and limits are, however, essential here. "As a general rule, parents must actively support and support their children when dealing with smartphones and tablets and Co.," says Rieschel. It should also be determined which content may be seen and which are taboo. The educational expert of the digital association Bitkom, Stephan Pfisterer, emphasizes to the "dpa" that his association also recommends parents to "actively support smaller children in particular." However, making an age restriction downwards makes no sense. Because the mobile devices could also be beneficial, in particular, "if they are interactive and have a learning effect." For example, in learning games, the children would have to actively deal with the content, make decisions or practice their skills. For example, they playfully learn forms, colors or the alphabet. Smartphones and tablets could also intuitively operate and use the little ones. (Fp)