Dear Dickfleischige chilies for pesto

Dear Dickfleischige chilies for pesto / Health News

Thick meaty chilies are perfect for an exceptional pesto


Chilies are most likely from the South and Central American region. Still there are many traditional dishes with the spicy pods. The most well-known example is the Chili con Carne, which does not originate as often assumed its origin in Mexico, but originates from the south of the United States. In this country, chilies have been used more and more often for a variety of dishes for several years - of course because of their sharpness. The news agency „dpa“ talked to Christian Herb about the versatile uses of chilies.

Chilies for spicy pesto
The organic gardener from Kempten in the Allgäu is organized in the nationwide network Demonstration Organic Farming and is familiar with the hot pods. He advises to process the chilies in a pesto. „It works best with the thick-meated Habaneros“, so Herb. This variety is not suitable for drying, as the thick walls would soon start to mold.

Chilies can also be placed in oil for six to eight weeks and the liquid then applied to tight muscles. The pungency, which is caused by the secondary plant substance capsaicin, has a relaxing and blood circulation-promoting. „It works like a thermal plaster“, Herb explains. In addition, capsaicin is said to relieve pain, stimulate digestion and relieve breathing in colds. (Ag)

Picture: shutterman