Light food Watermelon - why not give up the seeds

Light food Watermelon - why not give up the seeds / Health News

Do not spit out the watermelon seeds, but eat them together

The high summer temperatures can be quite nice. In order to get fit through the heat wave, especially a lot should be drunk. Also, the consumption of watermelons ensures a proper hydration. The cores should not be removed. Finally, they are full of healthy ingredients.

Help with weight loss

A delicious watermelon on a hot day is a real treat and can help to survive the summer heat unscathed. Due to the high water content of up to 95 percent, the watermelon is extremely low in calories and refreshing. 100 g of ripe pulp produce less than 40 kilocalories. The fruit is therefore also recommended for people who want to lose weight. What is not known to many: the kernels of watermelon should not be removed for health reasons, but eaten along. However, something important to note.

Especially on hot days, watermelons are a delicious refreshment. What many do not know: not only in the red pulp, but also in the black kernels are many healthy ingredients. (Image: karepa /

Good thirst quencher

Although watermelons are usually traded as fruit, botanically they belong to the cucurbits like all other melons.

Watermelons, which are actually a vegetable, are not only good thirst quenchers, but also very healthy.

Valuable ingredients include provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium and magnesium.

What is not known to many: also in the cores are numerous healthy substances.

Full of healthy ingredients

Nowadays, seedless or seedless watermelons are often offered. But that robs the vegetables of healthy ingredients.

Watermelon seeds contain vitamins A, B and C, as well as valuable minerals such as iron, calcium and magnesium.

But that's not all: The kernels also contain fiber, which helps to stimulate digestion.

Chew kernels thoroughly

However, it is important to chew the watermelon seeds thoroughly, otherwise they can lead to intestinal inflammation.

In addition, the beneficial nutrients are not released when the kernels are left whole.

If you prefer not to chew the seeds, but also do not want to forego the health benefits, you can, for example, crush them with a mortar and powdered into other foods such as a cereal or prepare a tea from it.

There is also the option to roast watermelon seeds and sprinkle them over a delicious salad. (Ad)