Slight weight loss in newborn normal

Slight weight loss in newborn normal / Health News

Weight loss in the first days after birth in newborn normal


Newborns usually show a slight weight loss in the first days after birth, but according to the Gesundsleben network, this is no cause for concern. If, however, the weight controls show weight loss of more than seven percent of the body weight and / or if the baby does not return to his birth weight after one week, this may indicate, for example, difficulties in breastfeeding or ingesting food. Here is an appointment with the pediatrician appropriate and possibly a feeding is required.

At a moderate weight loss after childbirth, the network Healthy in life initially requires no feeding in addition to breastfeeding. The first to lose the newborn, instead of gaining weight, is completely normal. However, weight controls on newborn babies should not result in a decrease of more than seven percent of the original body weight. Otherwise, it requires a review of the breastfeeding behavior and in case of doubt, the feeding.

Significant weight loss of the newborns should be checked by a doctor
The development of the body weight of the newborns is a good indicator of whether the child drinks enough, according to the network Healthy in Life. However, a weight loss in the first days after birth is quite normal, „because the child excretes more fluid and consumes more energy than it absorbs.“„The fact that a newborn does not increase on his first days of life, but decreases, therefore requires no intervention, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the pediatrician in the network Gesund ins Leben, Professor Berthold Koletzko. If the weight loss is more than seven to 10 percent of the birth weight or within the first seven days of life, no weight gain, then the causes must be clarified according to the network Healthy in life urgent medical attention.

Adjustments to breastfeeding behavior and supplements
In consultation with the doctor, if there is an abnormally high weight loss, the newborn will be decided on possible adjustments of the nursing behavior or a feeding. For example, the distance between two nursing meals should be no more than four hours, according to the Gesund network. If the children sleep longer than four hours, a gentle wake-up is appropriate. Increased breastfeeding often helps to prevent further weight loss in newborns. However, it may also be that the mother simply produces too little milk and thus the child must be offered additional food as a feed. (Fp)
