Legalization of cannabis today in the Bundestag

Legalization of cannabis today in the Bundestag / Health News

Bundestag votes today on the legalization of cannabis


The Bundestag votes today on a motion from the Group „The left“ from. The party calls for the "legalization of cannabis through the introduction of cannabis clubs". It is unlikely that the application will meet the approval of the other parties.

Association demands 30 grams of own use
According to some studies, about three million people in Germany consumed cannabis in different ways in the past year. Experience with cannabis even has well over 14 million. „The members of the German Bundestag today have the opportunity to finally end the prosecution of these citizens“, warns Georg Wurth, managing director of the German Hanfverbandes (DHV). Legalization of 30 grams for personal use would criticize the critics „disproportionate criminalization of cannabis users“. The introduction of so-called „Cannabis Social Clubs“ would allow full-time to legally cater for cannabis products without being exposed to the dangers of the black market, Wurth argues.

The request of the left is largely due to a petition of the German hemp association, which was signed by more than 31,000 people. Citizens are way ahead of their parliamentarians on this issue. According to an EMNID survey from the summer of 2010, the majority of Germans favor a more liberal cannabis law. Most citizens in the US are in favor of a full legalization of cannabis, and by the end of 2012, by means of referendums in Colorado and Washington, they poured these views into law.

Advantage over alcohol „calm and relaxed“
During a hearing in the Bundestag, Dr. Raphael Gaßmann from the German Center for Addiction Issues (DHS) believes that it is difficult to compare cannabis with alcohol. While alcohol makes aggressive, cannabis consumers would be "calm and relaxed". "The black market prevents control, both quantity and quality," Dr. Nicole Krumdiek from the University of Bremen. In addition, the ban on cannabis would encourage the trade and consumption of synthetic herbal compounds as cannabis substitutes. Prof. Dr. However, Rainer Thomasius from the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf pointed out that there is "no doubt" that cannabis leads to a "physical and psychological dependence". According to the medical profession, consumption leads to physical dependence in around 10 percent of consumers.

In addition to the Left, Alliance 90 / The Greens are also campaigning for a more liberal drug policy. The debate is scheduled for this evening at 8:55 pm and will be broadcast live on the internet. (Sb, pm)

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Image: Petra Bork