Legal Highs poison experts warn against dangerous side effects

Legal Highs poison experts warn against dangerous side effects / Health News
Herbal mixtures "Legal Highs": Poison experts warn against side effects
The fact that people have to go to medical treatment or even to the hospital after consuming so-called "legal highs" is not at all so rare. Some consumers even die. Again and again, the dangerous side effects of such herbal mixtures are warned. Currently also from the Giftnotrufzentrale Baden-Württemberg.
Herbal mixtures with some life-threatening consequences
For years, experts have pointed out the dangers of highly dangerous legal highs. Nevertheless, it is reported time and again that even very young people intoxicate themselves with it. For example, about two 13- and 14-year-old girls had to be taken to the hospital in April in the Baden-Württemberg Öhringen after smoking herbal cigarettes. A teenage girl could hardly move at that time. And only in early December died in the Bavarian Lower Franconia, a 22-year-old, after smoking legal highs. Such incidents are often taken as an opportunity by health experts or police to warn against the often life-threatening consequences of legal drugs. Especially often the various poison emergency centers are confronted with the problem. Affected or their relatives or friends seek advice there, when it comes to the consumption of such substances to discomfort such as excessive sweating, palpitations, nausea and vomiting or a fainting fit.

So-called "legal highs" can sometimes cause serious health risks and can quickly lead to hospitalization. (Image: Joshua Resnick /

Ingredients from Legal Highs often unknown
In a recent message from the dpa news agency, the poison emergency center in Baden-Württemberg warns against narcotic herbal mixtures and bath salts. Uwe Stedtler, the deputy director of the poisoning information center in Freiburg, told the German press agency that the side effects of so-called legal highs are often severe, but the treatment is difficult because the ingredients are often unknown. The Poison Control Center is a 24-hour emergency service for anyone in need of information related to poisoning, drugs and medication. According to the information, the inquiries about legal highs on the poison emergency in the southwest last year have risen dramatically. According to the report, the number of calls for synthetic cannabinoids contained in herbal mixtures alone has doubled since 2014 to around 120.

Heavier side effects than with illegal drugs
The problem is that the synthetic substances have significantly heavier side effects than similar plant-based illicit drugs. Synthetic cannabinoids, for example, caused epileptic seizures and cardiac arrhythmias much more frequently than cannabis, Stedtler said. Because the blends that are currently sold are even more effective than they used to be, the symptoms were often even more severe. Some drugs are also camouflaged as bath salts. These contained amphetamines and hallucinogens and could lead to heart problems and seizures. Also problematic are the different, changing compositions. Thus, in the past, various substances were banned in designer drugs. But there are always new drugs on the market. Experts often refer to a legal loophole and advise on further legal measures. Frequently, the various substances are ordered on the Internet.

Trend to e-cigarette prepares experts concern
In addition, the poison poison experts are also worried about the trend towards e-cigarettes. As Stedtler said, there is a sharp increase in inquiries about swallowed refill liquids, albeit at a very low level. These often colorful and flavored liquids containing nicotine could be especially dangerous to infants, Stedtler warned. According to the experts, the problem with them was that they did not taste as disgusting as a cigarette and that the liquid form could absorb significantly more nicotine. Already a teaspoon full could be very threatening for a child. It usually comes to typical symptoms of nicotine poisoning, such as blood pressure fluctuations, vomiting and diarrhea. However, in the worst case also threatened unconsciousness and circulatory failure. (Ad)