Tasty and healthy start of the new strawberry season

Tasty and healthy start of the new strawberry season / Health News
The native strawberry season has begun
Health experts recommend consuming at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. It is ideal if you can fall back on delicious varieties from the region. Strawberries are among the most popular fruits of the Germans. The tasty and healthy fruit is currently in season.

Many Germans love strawberries
Experts repeatedly point out how important herbal food is for our health. Also in scientific investigations new findings are always obtained. Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables keep the heart healthy. And more recently, British researchers have reported that daily consumption of fresh fruits can help prevent type 2 diabetes. It is pleasing, therefore, that there are certain types of fruit that are popular with many citizens. Strawberries are among the most sought-after fruits of the Germans. They are in season now.

Although strawberries are available all year round, the fruits from local cultivation are usually the best. The season has finally begun. (Picture: Missty / fotolia.com)

Full of healthy ingredients
Strawberries have many healthy ingredients. Your vitamin C content is higher than oranges. Even with 120 grams of strawberries, the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult can be covered.

In addition, they contain a lot of folic acid and numerous minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the heart. Even those who pay attention to the slim line can easily eat strawberries. They contain just 32 calories per 100 grams.

There is obviously a lot more health potential in the fruit. For example, scientists from Italy found evidence that a strawberry extract could protect against breast cancer.

The quality of the fruit outside our season is unfortunately often disappointing. Domestically produced strawberries are usually more aromatic and often pollutant less.

It is therefore gratifying that the season has begun in this country.

The summer fruit par excellence
For many consumers, the red fruit is the summer fruit par excellence, reports the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE).

According to the experts, more than 150,000 tons of strawberries are harvested annually in Germany. However, demand is by no means covered. Therefore, larger quantities of strawberries are imported.

"Of course you can now buy strawberries in every season, but in very, very different qualities and also from all over the world," said Harald Seitz from BZfE in Bonn.

Imported strawberries are particularly suitable for transport, and taste often plays only a minor role.

Strawberries are best picked fresh
Best strawberries should be stored for a maximum of two days. Not only because they taste fresh on the tastiest, but also because they spoil quickly.

What to look out for when buying, explains the new radio contribution "Finally strawberry time!", Which is available on the website of the BZfE to listen or download.

Incidentally, strawberries have the name because of their indescribable fragrance: Fragaria vesca means in Latin as much as "edible scent". (Ad)