Food poisoning in 23 students?

Food poisoning in 23 students? / Health News

Pupils from leisure home in the Upper Harz hospitalized


Once again, students were hospitalized on suspicion of food poisoning. In recent months, more and more health complaints in pupils were caused by contaminated food. Now it has caught a group of students in the leisure home in Hohegeiß (Goslar district). Twenty-three students were hospitalized by the emergency services on Wednesday with food poisoning suspected, and 13 had symptoms of intoxication.

Numerous students from the northern German group complained of complaints such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. They were transferred from the leisure home in Hohegeiß directly to the hospital Nordhausen. Thirteen of the 23 students admitted were poisoned and had to stay in the clinic for observation. The remaining ten were released on the night of Thursday. What caused the complaints of the students during their visit to the Upper Harz is so far unclear. However, there is a suspicion of a connection with the food in the community facility.

The food provided to students by external service providers provided some of the biggest food epidemics in Germany around two months ago. Nororviruses on frozen strawberries from a school caterer caused around 11,000 severe gastrointestinal illnesses among students in East Germany. In comparison, the number of those affected in Harzer Freizeitheim Hohegeiß is negligible, but here is also the question of the infection route. However, the authorities will probably be able to provide more accurate information within a few days to weeks. (Fp)

Picture: Hartmut910