Life crisis at a young age due to professional frustration

Life crisis at a young age due to professional frustration / Health News

Quarter-life crisis: life crisis at a young age due to professional frustration


Psychotherapists and psychiatrists have been observing an increase in so-called „Quarter-life crisis“ like the magazine „Focus“ reported. Especially young people are affected.

The so-called "Quarterlife Crisis" (QLC) is a term from psychology and describes the state of uncertainty in the years after the „Grow up“. Patients entering this life crisis are between the ages of 21 and 29, with a research period of 80 to 100 years. Other psychologists see the end of the first quarter of life but only between 25 and 35 years. A precise determination appears difficult due to the different study periods and vocational training.

For the first time has coined the term British psychiatrist and researcher Oliver Robinson. Of the „Quarter-life crisis“ Above all, people are affected, who experience a great disappointment about their own career development and the lack of progress in the job. The specialist for medicine and psychotherapy and head physician at the Frankfurt at the hospital for psychosomatics, Dr. med. Wolfgang Merkle, told the magazine he regularly treated patients with one „Bore-out syndrome“. Until those affected find their way to the clinic, they can usually be treated in advance by their family doctor due to internal restlessness, depressive episodes, tinnitus, missing drive, self-esteem problems or sleep disorders. If it is determined during the course of therapy, the patient is „in a dead end“ and bored, the specialist tries to direct the treatment to it, „that the patient is on the way again.“ Particularly often young people are affected by the syndrome in the first stage of life.

More common at a young age „Bore-out“
Some studies indicate that the number of young people is more frequent „Boreout“ are affected by the burn-out syndrome. During a survey on behalf of the Dortmund Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 14 percent of the subjects said that they feel under-challenged in terms of their skills and knowledge. Only five percent of the age group said they feel burned out and overburdened. (Sb)

Read about:
Business climate important for job satisfaction
Boreout as a result of boredom at work
Underuse makes you ill: The Bore-out syndrome

Image: Gerd Altmann,