Life-threatening hesitation In case of a heart attack suspicion immediately dial emergency number 112

Life-threatening hesitation In case of a heart attack suspicion immediately dial emergency number 112 / Health News

More cases at Christmas and New Year: In case of heart attack do not be afraid of emergency 112

Christmas and the New Year are coming. Both are also associated with health risks. Because as researchers recently reported, it comes on the holidays to a particularly large number of heart attacks. Health experts now point out, in case of a heart attack suspected immediately call the ambulance. Hesitation can have life-threatening consequences for the person affected.

In the acute case, fast action is necessary

According to health experts, around 300,000 people in Germany suffer a heart attack (myocardial infarction) every year. In the acute case, fast action is necessary. Timely heart attack diagnosis saves lives. Therefore, health experts point out that in case of a suspected heart attack immediately call 112.

Health experts point out that if there are signs of a heart attack, call 112 immediately. Hesitation can have life-threatening consequences for the person affected. (Image: Kzenon /

Increased heart attack risk at Christmas

Years ago, scientists from Australia found that there is a high risk of death from heart disease on Christmas holidays.

A Swedish study published in the journal "BMJ" also suggests an increased risk of heart attack at Christmas and New Year, especially in people over 75 or already chronically ill (eg, diabetes, coronary heart disease).

Presumably because this group of patients is particularly vulnerable to external triggers (triggers) for an infarction such as stress.

"We can confirm from our own experience that cardiac infarction patients who have waited too long until they have called the emergency doctor with the 112 emergency call, especially during longer holiday periods such as the Christmas holidays, are more often admitted," explains cardiologist Prof. Dr. med. med. Thomas Voigtländer, stv. CEO of the German Heart Foundation, in a statement.

"This increases the risk of life-threatening arrhythmias and the development of significant heart failure," warns the expert.

Do not hesitate!

According to the announcement, emergency medical professionals take the problem of hesitating about the 112 call on holidays such as Christmas, New Year and weekends very seriously.

For newly appearing unpleasant chest pain that lasts more than five minutes, sufferers and their relatives often think of any indication of a heart attack and do not dare because of the holidays, with the emergency number 112 to alert the emergency medical service.

Instead, they wait for hours or days to see if the symptoms disappear on their own.

"Patients who have a heart attack or acute chest pain for too long with the 112 emergency call risk their lives," warns Voigtländer.

"In this delay there is a risk that the patient may suddenly get ventricular fibrillation, pass out and die in a few minutes of Sudden Cardiac Death."

Likewise, a larger part of the heart muscle can be irreparably destroyed by the infarction and the patient develops acutely or even in the long term heart failure.

"When it comes to heart attacks, every minute counts according to the principle: time is heart muscle."

Almost one in four heart attack patients dies before reaching the clinic

According to the German Heart Foundation, the heart attack with around 50,000 deaths per year is one of the leading causes of death in Germany.

Almost one in four heart attack patients dies before reaching the hospital.

Rescue service centers, cardiac emergency ambulances and emergency departments of the clinics are also available on public holidays, in the period between the years as well as on weekends or at night around the clock.

"That's why there's absolutely no reason to be afraid of 112," assures the heart specialist from the Cardioangiological Center Bethanien (CCB) Frankfurt am Main.

Clearly express a suspected infarction!

Anyone calling the 112 should clearly state the suspicion of a heart attack so that an ambulance can be sent with an ambulance.

The infarct typical alarm signs are easy to recognize: Severe, lasting more than five minutes of pain predominantly in the chest, often only behind the sternum, which can radiate into the arms, shoulder blades, neck, jaw and upper abdomen.

Sometimes only in the back (between the shoulder blades) or upper abdomen (confusion with "stomach pain" possible).

The pains are areal, not pinching, but are described as burning, with tightness in the chest and oppressive.

Common side effects include sweating, nausea and shortness of breath.

Important to know: The detour via the family doctor or the medical emergency service with the number 116 117 ("emergency number") in a heart attack can be dangerous, since both can do nothing else than to call the emergency doctor (112).

Why the 112 is so important in heart attacks

In heart attacks, a coronary artery is closed by a clot (thrombus), so that part of the heart muscle is cut off from the oxygen supply.

In this dangerous situation the rescue service (112) should be called immediately, because the heart attack can cause a malignant arrhythmia (ventricular fibrillation) at any time, which leads to death in a few minutes, if not reanimated immediately.

Only the ambulance service can eliminate the ventricular fibrillation with the electric shock of a defibrillator and thus protect the patient from sudden cardiac death. However, every minute counts if a heart attack does not turn into ventricular fibrillation.

"The sooner the infarct patient reaches the clinic, where the clogged coronary vessel is reopened by catheter, the more heart muscle and pumping power of the heart we can get: more pumping power means more quality of life for the patient," says Prof. Voigtländer. (Ad)