Laser Printer Alarming Results?

Laser Printer Alarming Results? / Health News

Laser Printers: Alarming Results Through Research. The research initiative of the international foundation nano-Control claims that the emissions of laser printers destroy the DNA of human lung cells within 60 minutes. That could be a cause of cancer. For example, every eighth registered service technician is said to have cancer, and a service technician who dies of cancer is said to have detected toner particles in the lung cells. According to a survey among registered victims, one in five of them became disabled. According to the European Commission, 288,000 people die from particulate matter every year in Europe.

(25.04.2010) The research initiative of the international foundation nano-Control has stated that emissions of laser printers destroy the DNA of human lung cells within 60 minutes. That can be a cause of cancer. One in eight registered service technicians is diagnosed with cancer and one of the service technicians who died of cancer has detected the toner particles in the lung cells. According to a survey among registered victims, one in five of them became disabled. According to the European Commission, 288,000 people die from particulate matter every year in Europe.

The discussion about laser printers does not stop. It has been clear for some years that nanoparticles, particulate matter and other hazardous pollutants can pollute the room air. This was demonstrated in 2006, for example, by the so-called toner study. Measurements of Hamburg particulate matter specialists showed higher particulate matter pollution by a laser printer than in Hamburg's most heavily polluted street.

Now, the international nano-Control Foundation points out that emissions are even more dangerous than previously thought. nano-Control is an initiative of stakeholders who have been alerting them to threats since 2008 and struggling to reduce the health burden of the equipment. As part of its research initiative, the foundation had organized and, according to its own statements, largely financed studies at institutes in Essen, Hamburg and Freiburg. As a result, according to nano-Control, the institutes found that emissions from laser printers resulted in typical and sometimes sustained inflammation of the respiratory tract and cell-damaging oxidative stress after only half an hour. According to Nano Control, "emissions from laser printers of the brands Kyocera and Hewlett-Packard destroy the DNA of human lung cells," according to the initiative. The small particles of toner could be detected in lymph nodes, lung cells and even in the abdominal cavity.

Almost 2,500 cases of those affected have been registered by the Foundation. According to a survey, every fifth affected person has become disabled and every eighth registered service technician has cancer. Thus, in addition to the health and the economic reasons are a component in the burden of laser printers. nano-Control further points out that the manufacturers of the devices still refer to the high product safety, but still still no filter install and the toners are still with „Heavy metals, PAHs, ULLABs such as DBT and TBT and VOC loaded“. The eco-label „The blue Angel“ is therefore not a safe guarantee when buying a device, because it „relevant emissions and above all the effects“ not involved and it is not controlled. Modern inkjet devices have long been a low-emission, high-performance and cost-effective alternative. In addition, the power and material consumption of these devices is lower. It is piquant that despite these findings, the German Bundestag wants to carry out the purchase of 850 new laser printers and 730 fax machines. (TF)

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Carcinogenic particles from laser printers?