In the long term, vegetarian nutrition affects our genes

In the long term, vegetarian nutrition affects our genes / Health News
Generational vegetarian diets can lead to genetic mutations
Many people today try to abstain from eating meat. Researchers have now discovered that a vegetarian diet can change human DNA over a long period of time, potentially increasing the likelihood of cancer and heart disease in the long term.

A vegetarian diet over generations leads to genetic mutations that may be responsible for increasing the likelihood of cancer and heart disease, according to the latest study results. Researchers at Cornell University found out in their research that people with such a diet carry DNA that makes them more susceptible to inflammation. The researchers published the results of their study in the journal "Molecular Biology and Evolution".

A vegetarian diet over generations could lead to people at increased risk for cancer and heart disease. (Image: Kurhan /

Mutation increases the production of arachidonic acid
When people feed on vegetarians for generations, the DNA can change. This will change the metabolism of plant foods and potentially increase the likelihood of cancer and heart disease, the researchers explain. The scientists report that the mutation occurring in a particular gene complex makes it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants. In addition, the production of arachidonic acid is increased. This is known to increase the likelihood of inflammation and cancer, say the doctors. When sufferers supplement their diet with many vegetable oils (sunflower oil), the mutant gene quickly turns the fatty acids into arachidonic acid, the experts explain.

Vegetarian population at increased risk of cancer?
The new findings support other studies that have also found that the vegetarian population has an increased likelihood of developing certain cancers compared to meat-eating people. This finding is confusing because normally the food of red meat is linked to the development of colon cancer, the doctors say. The researchers at Cornell University compared hundreds of genomes from a predominantly vegetarian population in India to the much-meat-eating population in Kansas for their study. They were able to detect a significant genetic difference, the scientists say.

Mutation is always passed on
When humans descend from vegetarians, they metabolize more fatty acids, explains Professor Tom Brenna of Cornell University. In such individuals, vegetable oils are converted into pro-inflammatory arachidonic acid, which increases the risk of chronic inflammation, the physician adds. These are involved in the development of heart disease and would increase the likelihood of developing cancer. The mutation originated in the human genome a long time ago and was then passed on, explains the expert. The problem gets worse because the mutation also interferes with the production of useful omega-3 fatty acids that normally protect against heart disease, the researchers explain. The genetic mutation had developed during the industrial revolution. At that time there was a big change in the general diet. Humans consumed fewer omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish and nuts. But they consumed more unhealthy omega-6 fatty acids, which can be found in vegetable oils. Vegetarians should eat vegetable oils that are low in omega-6 fatty acids, such as olive oil, experts suggest.

Effects of vegetarian diet
The discovered mutation is called rs66698963 and was detected in the FADS2 gene, which controls the production of fatty acids in the body. Earlier studies had already shown that vegetarian and vegan diets can lead to fertility problems because the number of sperm drops decreases, the researchers say. Separate research at Harvard University has found that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can affect our fertility because men absorb large amounts of pesticides. Many vegetarians would also have problems absorbing enough protein, iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and calcium, explain the physicians. Another study has shown that vegetarians have around five percent lower bone mineral density (BMD) than non-vegetarians. However, health benefits of the vegetarian diet are often proven. For example, other studies suggest that vegetarianism reduces the risk of diabetes, stroke, and obesity, say the doctors. (As)