Long breastfeeding protects children from chronic bowel disease in later life

Long breastfeeding protects children from chronic bowel disease in later life / Health News

Breastfeeding provides protection against Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

Two studies conclude that children are less likely to develop Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis when breastfed for a long time. With increasing breastfeeding, this effect can even be enhanced.

"With breast milk, the child receives important antibodies that protect them against infectious diseases," explains Dr. med. Monika Niehaus, pediatrician and member of the expert panel of the Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) in a press release. Breastfeeding, for example, reduces the risk of diarrhea. This is a possible explanation for the positive effect on inflammatory bowel disease that is favored by such gastrointestinal infections in infancy.

Long breastfeeding is associated with a lot of health benefits for both child and mother. (Image: rohappy / fotolia.com)

Breastfeeding offers many health benefits to the child

Breastfeeding exclusively during the first four to six months of life may additionally reduce the risk of the child suffering from otitis media, allergies, atopic dermatitis and bronchial asthma. Breastfeeding is even associated with reduced risk of obesity and obesity, according to paediatricians.

The mothers also benefit from breastfeeding

According to the pediatricians of the BVKJ, mothers who have breast-fed their babies for up to six months are less likely to develop diabetes. It also reduces the risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer and getting high blood pressure.

Possible reasons for breastfeeding

"Medication or anesthesia are not necessarily a hindrance to breastfeeding," Dr. Niehaus. In most cases, mothers could breastfeed immediately if they are awake enough to put their baby on. If breastfeeding mothers need to take medication, they should seek advice from a doctor on which medicines they should refrain from breastfeeding or in which they must follow certain rules. "Often it is enough for a remedy to be taken at the time of breastfeeding, so that it is not yet contained in the breast milk and is already broken down to the next breastfeeding." Niehaus.

Protection against inflammatory bowel disease

The two studies that conclude that breastfeeding brings many health benefits and protects against the chronic inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, have recently been published in the specialist journals Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics and JAMA Internal Medicine. (Vb)