Long wait for psychotherapy to bridge

Long wait for psychotherapy to bridge / Health News

Patients often have to wait a long time for psychotherapy. This is especially difficult for people with acute problems. What many do not know: The waiting time can be bridged and sometimes shortened. Remedy can offer one-to-one talks.

Thomas K. suffers from depression since his wife left him half a year ago. After initial anger and grief over the loss, he falls deeper and deeper into an emotional hole and finally seeks help. The 55-year-old calls numerous psychotherapists through. The answer is the same for everyone: At the moment there is no therapy space available.

One-on-one talks can bridge the waiting time for a therapy place. Image: Photographee.eu/fotolia)

Like Mr. K., many are concerned. On average, patients have to wait three months for treatment with a therapist who can settle accounts directly with the health insurance company. So the result of a study of the Federal Psychotherapeutic Chamber. "For those who need urgent help, that's too long," says Claudia Mouth of the Nuremberg Advisory Center of Independent Patient Counseling Germany (UPD).

The waiting time can be bridged by short-term one-on-one talks. These are offered, for example, in psychological emergency ambulances of hospitals or by counseling centers of municipalities, churches and charities. "The contact points are varied," explains patient adviser Schlund. Orientation and assistance with the right choice is offered by the UPD and the so-called social psychiatric service, which is usually found in every major city.

"One-on-one, however, is not a permanent solution," says Schlund. Patients who can not find a place for a cash therapist for the foreseeable future can therefore go another route: they apply to their statutory health insurance company for treatment in a private practice. This is possible by law if the therapy can not be postponed. Schlund: "For this one asks his doctor for a corresponding confirmation, notes the refusals of the psychotherapist and sends both to the cash register."

Important to know: In this so-called reimbursement procedure, the patient first has to pay for the therapy sessions himself and later gets the money back from the health insurance. "Before it starts, patients should therefore have a written commitment from the cash register - otherwise they can end up sitting on the cost of treatment," says Schlund. (Pm)

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